Gene Clinics
- Medical genetics knowledge base. NIH funded, expert-authored descriptions of inherited disorders. Covers genetic testing in diagnosis and management and genetic counseling of patients.
What malformation did El Greco paint? - El Greco’s faces are modelled on a child with a distinctive malformation. But what condition is it? -
Information on Trisomy 13 - Discusses medical information on this chromosome abnormality, including the doctor's personal experience with this rare disease. -
A3243G - Explains a gene defect of mitochondrial DNA which causes several diseases, including maternally inherited diabetes with deafness. Features a newsletter, patient forum and definitions. -
New Scientist: Heroin Addiction Gene Identified and Blocked - Scientists have not only identified a critical gene involved in heroin addiction relapse, but they have also successfully blocked it, eliminating cravings for the drug. -
The Center For Jewish Genetics Disorders - A critical effort to provide public and professional education for many of the identified Jewish genetic disorders. Find info on screening and counseling, advocacy, events and community resources. -
IMMD Institute of Medical Molecular Diagnostics Ltd. - The IMMD is a genetic testing laboratory located in Germany. Provides genetic tests for hereditary breast cancer, various cardiovascular diseases or diseases with onset in childhood. -
Blepharophimosis Ptosis Epicanthus Inversus Syndrome - The BPEI (BPES) Family Network encourages people to get in touch with each other, share information and ask questions. Explanation of this rare eye disorder. -
Your Genes, Your Health - The DNA Learning Center's multimedia guide to genetic disorders. Complete in depth articles about each disease listed. -
Genetic Disorders: The Links to Diet - Explores the role of diet in birth defects and genetic disorders. Includes nutritional links to disorders such as Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, homocystinuria, and cystic fibrosis. -
XLH Network - Patient support group for XLH, a genetic condition also known as X-Linked Hypophosphatemia, X-Linked Hypophosphatemic Rickets, Familial Hypophosphatemia, Vitamin D-Resistant Rickets. -
Genetic and Rare Conditions - Lay advocacy groups, support groups, information on genetic conditions and birth defects for professionals, educators and individuals. Disorders from A-Z. -