1st Touch Foundation - Chicago Cubs player Derek Lee's official website devoted to finding all 3000 people in North America with LCA. - http://www.1sttouch.org/
Project 3000 - A nonprofit collaborative project with the aim to identify every person in the United States affected with LCA and offer them free genetic testing through the Carver Genetic Testing Laboratory at the University of Iowa. - http://www.carverlab.org/project3000/index.html
WonderBaby - News, facts, and information about the disease, including an extensive FAQ. - http://www.wonderbaby.org/search-topics/lca.html
OMIM - Information about the disease, focusing on gene mutations and associated symptoms. Links to numerous full-text research reports. - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/dispomim.cgi?id=204000
EyeRounds - Dr. Edwin Stone delivers a presentation on the disease, its genotype, and current genetic breakthroughs. - http://webeye.ophth.uiowa.edu/eyeforum/Genetic-Testing-for-Lebers-Congenital-Amaurosis.htm
National Institutes of Health - Real Video archive of the December 13, 2005 presentation to the NIH regarding gene therapy research and trials for LCA. Clicking this link will begin download. - http://www.webconferences.com/ram/nihoba13dec2005am2_a.ram
LCA Blog - A patient's journal, mainly focusing on research breakthroughs and news updates. - http://lcablog.blogspot.com/
Gene Reviews - Description of the genes responsible for causing LCA, including information about genetic testing and differential diagnoses. - http://genetests.org/servlet/access?db=geneclinics&site=gt&id=8888891&key=YrwfG-ZvMuxzu&gry=&fcn=y&fw=wQHr&filename=/profiles/lca/index.html
Yahoo Groups: LCA - For those interested in sharing and sourcing information relating to this genetic disorder. Includes a chat, photos, and a message board. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LCA/
Foundation Fighting Blindness - Includes clinical information, inheritance patterns, and ongoing research for treatments. - http://www.blindness.org/visiondisorders/causes.asp?type=13
The CAF Directory - A description of the disease and its inheritance patterns. - http://www.cafamily.org.uk/Direct/l23.html
Foundation for Retinal Research - Information about the condition (along with background about heredity and eye function), resources for families, and solicitation for donations to fund research. - http://www.tfrr.org/