Citizens Against Government Waste
- A private, non-partisan, non-profit organization representing more than one million members and supporters to eliminate waste, mismanagement, and inefficiency in the US federal government.
United for a Fair Economy (UFE) - UFE raises awareness that concentrated wealth and power has negative effects on society. UFE supports and helps build social movements for greater equality. -
Campaign for America's Future - Policy research project analyzing critical issues facing American economy, for progressives that focuses on issues of social justice like wages, social security and trade. -
Buying Gasoline - Fairness at the Pump - Presents arguments for the elimination of 9/10 cent gasoline pricing and for temperature correction of retail gasoline purchases. -
No Lottery - Aims to educate people about the dangers of the lottery. -
OMB Watch - A nonprofit research, educational, and advocacy organization that focuses on budget issues, regulatory policy, nonprofit advocacy, access to government information, and activities at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). -