Global Exchange
- Shows actions and how to accomplish change on such far ranging issues as curtailing sweatshop practices to improving the environment. Internship program, volunteer work, activism with a purpose.
ShoreBank Corporation - Group of banks dedicated to economic revitalization and ecosystem restoration. -
Taking the Pledge - Brown University alumni report shows Brown University groups taking a pledge to not support sweatshops in various goods that relate to the university in any way. -
WoodWise Consumer - Co-op America's Guide helps you conserve forests and trees by reducing consumption of wood and paper. -
Greenwash Awards - Given to corporations that put more money, time and energy into PR campaigns aimed at promoting eco-friendly images than in protecting the environment. -
General Electric and 3rd World Workers - Corporate Monitor reported GE unions asked for minimum fairness for third world workers. -
SIFE - Students in Free Enterprise - Non-profit organization educating people on concepts like market economics, entrepreneurship, and business ethics through educational outreach projects. -
Youth Link for Social responsibility - Foundation of America's national youth in action campaign and first national youth conventions. -
Green Pages Online - Find thousands of green, environmentally responsible, socially responsible products services. Created by Co-op America. -
RTMark: Investing in Chaos - The Magic Christian Fund at RTMark enables ordinary folks to "act up," protest corporate power. -
Is It Wise to Invest in the Stock Market? - Cautions about investing are provided in this substantial, single page paper. -
Center for Ethics and Toxics (CETOS) - Information for making decisions about one's daily living as it pertains to money and its effects on environment, and freedom of speech. -
Sustainable - Inspirational Center for Environmental Business on the Web: Up to date, informative, inclusive, progressive, and networking with comprehensive library. -
SustainAbility Ltd. - UK think tank and business consultancy on sustainable business practices. -
Various Activism Connections - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) with phone numbers and links of world wide activism organizations. -
Students for Change - E Mail list for students to work together on ethical behavior of corporations. -
U.S. National Debt Clock - Seven generations from now we will all be owned by the banks and be impoverished if this continues. See the seventh and eighth links on Debt Clock home page for activists concerning the U.S. debt problem. -
Political Activism Resources - Korean site with world wide links concerning information and activism strategies and organizations. -
Mind Power by John Kehoe - Can the powers of your thought lead to socially responsible citizenship? -
Good Money's Survey - Market Basket survey aims to come up with what are fair wages in all parts of the world. -