The Minimum Wage: Washingtons Perennial Myth - From 1988, a popular analysis of the economic, social, and political reasons not to raise the minimum wage. -
The Case Against a Higher Minimum Wage - From the Joint Economic Committee in Congress, a compilation of links to 1995-1996 reports against the minimum wage increase being considered at that time. -
The Minimum Wage Increase: A Working Woman's Issue - From the Economic Policy Institute, an analysis of how a minimum wage increase would help working women and reduce the gender gap in wages. -
U.S. Minimum Wage History - Three charts showing changes in the minimum wage, its value, and its relationship to the poverty level over the last several decades. -
SuperSizeMyPay Canada - A campaign to end the Canadian training wage, raise the minimum wage to $12/hour, and win workers the respect they deserve. -
Livable Wage Legislation - From Vermont's livable wage campaign, lots of information about the economics and politics of raising the state's minimum wage. -
The Minimum Wage and Its Effects on Small Business - An economist's testimony to a House of Representatives subcommittee on why the federal minimum wage should be raised. -
Minimum Wage Employers Posting Strong Job Growth - From Oregon, a report showing strong growth in the restaurant and farm industries that pay the state's high minimum wage. -
Raising the National Minimum Wage - Sources of information about the federal minimum wage, arguments both for and against raising it, research studies, news, politics, and the wage in other countries. -
Ignoring Economics - An article arguing that the minimum wage is partly responsible for unemployment among not only African-American youth but also violent young French Muslims as well. -
Minimum Wage Issue Guide - Economic Policy Institute guide on the benefits of the minimum wage and effects of an increase, FAQ, and database of related news articles. -
Minimum Wage Causes Maximum Pain - Essay concerning the origin of the minimum wage and its negative impact on women, minorities, and unskilled workers. -
Minimum Wage and Fairness - Mackinac Center study arguing against the minimum wage, by Michael LaFaive. -
Minimum Wage - It Just Doesn't Add Up - Article on how US minimum wage jobs are not enough to support a family, and keep families in grinding poverty. -
Minimum Wage Escalation - Examines legislation that would automatically escalate the minimum wage based on earnings elsewhere in the economy. -