Samson v. HUD - In Forma Pauperis - Evidence in support of Alan Koseph Samson's contention that HUD wrongfully foreclosed on his home because of his efforts on behalf of workers at the Mariner's Cove Apartments 1983. -
The Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Advisory Panel - US agency advising the Commissioner of Social Security, President and Congress on issues related to work incentive programs, planning and assistance for individuals with disabilities. Includes panel member information, minutes of meetings, relevant legis -
Work4World Issues - Campaigning for changes on global employment, Social responsibility/Justice and Environmental issues. -
Workers unite for the 6 hour day - International movement for the six hour work day, three day weekend and six weeks paid vacation -- with no reduction in pay. Sign the petition that is to be submitted to the United Nations in May 2005. -
Labor Rights Now - Works to expose labor rights violations around the world and aggressively campaign on behalf of worker activists who have endured the most brutal forms of trade union repression: imprisonment, torture, abduction, and murder. -
International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) - An international Non Governmental Organisation working for the interests of small-scale artisanal fishworkers, the collective carries out developmental interventions with fisher-communities around the world. -
Unemployment Compensation - An overview of the unemployment insurance program in the United States, including benefits paid and federal and state unemployment taxes. -
Working Partnerships USA - Conducts research, produces policies, and develops programs to address the needs of working families in Silicon Valley. -
Social Cost of Asian Crisis - Examines the human rights impact of the Asian economic disaster. -
Just Labour - Academic journal published by the Centre for Research on Work & Society at York University in Toronto. -
Exotic Dancers Alliance - Advocacy group for female exotic dancers attempting to obtain adequate working conditions and civil rights within the sex industry. -
National Alliance for Fair Employment - Homepage for a network of over 40 regional and national groups in the U.S. and Canada fighting for better pay, benefits and working conditions for all workers in temp, part-time, day labor, contract, on-call and independent contractor jobs. -
Job Training and Vocational Education - Background information and links on U.S. job training and vocational education policy from the Almanac of Policy Issues. -
Human Rights for Workers - Explores the consequences of globalization for ordinary workers in both developed and developing countries, and analyzes initiatives seeking solutions. -
The Global Workplace - Aims to promote awareness of globalisation and to encourage grassroots trade union activity on international issues. -
ICEM Online - World labor news and views from a global trade union. -
National Labor Committee - Human rights advocacy group that focuses on the promotion and defense of worker rights. Educates and involves the public in actions aimed at ending labor abuses, improving living conditions for workers and their families and promoting the concept of a li -