United Students Against Sweatshops - National network of student groups working to end sweatshops and other labor abuses. - http://www.studentsagainstsweatshops.org
Campus Living Wage Project - A collection of interviews and information on campus "living wage" campaigns. Includes interviews with student activists and profiles of past campaigns. - http://www.clwproject.org/
Living Wage Coalition of Sonoma County (California) - The main purpose of the coalition is to address the problem of growing income inequality and poverty in its community. - http://www.livingwagesonoma.org/
Progressive Maryland: Living Wage Campaign - Proposes self-sufficiency standards and the potential advantages of a statewide living wage. Describes the recent history of local legislation on the issue. - http://progressivemaryland.org/page.php?id=148
Vermont Livable Wage Campaign - Frequently asked questions, analysis of working incomes, and organizing and actions in the state. - http://www.vtlivablewage.org/
NPR : Low-Wage America - According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 20 million workers earn less than $9 an hour - not enough to buy the basics in some areas. In a series of special reports, NPR's Noah Adams travels throughout the US to profile the low-income workfor - http://www.npr.org/news/specials/low_wage/
The Jus Semper Global Alliance - Long term sustainable development through The Living Wages North and South Initiative (TLWNSI), a corporate social responsibility program for gradual wage equalization. - http://www.jussemper.org/
'Living wage' Laws Gain Momentum Across US - A new study shows higher incomes from 'living wage' outweigh the cost in job losses. From the Christian Science Monitor. - http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0315/p01s02-usec.html
Harvest for Humanity - An interdenominational employee-owner ministry, open to people of all faiths, races and ethnic backgrounds, working to provide improved economic opportunities. - http://www.aboutharvest.org
Universal Living Wage Campaign - Introduction, petition, donations, volunteer information, FAQ, rent statistics, legislation, and links. - http://www.universallivingwage.org/
Living Wage Issue Guide - General information and publications about living wage by the Economic Policy Institute. - http://www.epinet.org/Issueguides/livingwage/livingwage.html
Living Wage Resource Center - Includes information on existing ordinances and current campaigns. - http://www.livingwagecampaign.org/
Harvard Living Wage Campaign - Campaign to eradicate poverty wages at Harvard University. Includes a comprehensive report on poverty wages at Harvard, with a detailed discussion of the spread low-wage labor on campus, analysis and critique of reforms developed by Harvard, and testimoni - http://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~pslm/livingwage/
Dane County Living Wage Campaign - Campaign reports and articles about Dane County's cost of living and wages. - http://www.solidarity.com/LivingWage/
Business Leaders and Investors for a Living Wage - Report and FAQ about living wage from Responsible Wealth, a project of United for a Fair Economy. - http://www.responsiblewealth.org/living_wage/