Gasoline Excise Tax - Historical Revenues: Fact Sheet - A history of the national gasoline tax, including yearly revenues since it began. -
E-tax Matters - Provides basic information on the filing of tax returns, with the opportunity to submit questions to the site's sponsors. -
New York Times- IRS Is Allowing More Delinquents to Avoid Tax Bills - The Internal Revenue Service for more than a year has let many tax delinquents go without paying tax bills that total billions of dollars. -
Progressive and Regressive Taxes Explained - Essay discussing the concepts of progressivity in taxation, the role of taxation in regulating the economy, and explaining why sales taxes are considered to be regressive. - - Quiz to determine your stance on tax policy. -
Information and Misinformation about Federal Tax Burdens - Center on Budget and Policy Priorities article arguing that the percentage of income that typical middle-class families pay in federal taxes is often overstated. -
The Future of State Taxation - Book available from the Urban Institute. -