The Cigarette Papers
- Book on what the Brown and Williamson documents reveal about B&W, cigarettes, smoking, and the tobacco industry. Entire book now available free, online.
Tobacco Industry Statements - The tobacco industry has promised a new honesty and responsibility; this report reveals how little the industry measures up on three critical issues: the health effects of smoking, the health effects of secondhand smoke, and the addictiveness of nicotine. -
The Cigarette Papers - The Tobacco Industry and control of information about smoking and cancer; article from The Nation Magazine. -
Tobacco's Dirty Tricks - ANR information on tobacco industry strategies. -
The Tobacco Industry in Asia: Revelations in the Corporate D ocuments - Analysis of tobacco industry memos and internal documents reveals industry strategies to undermine tobacco prevention and push up cigarette sales in Cambodia, China, Hong Kong SAR, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. -
1980 Philip Morris Memo Outlined Need to Conceal Nicotine Studies - Washington Post article covers secret Philip Morris memo that acknowledged that nicotine was a drug and highlighted the company's need to downplay that fact. -
McLean v. Philip Morris - David McClean, who was the Marlboro Man for Philip Morris, died of lung cancer caused by smoking. The text of his widow's lawsuit against Philip Morris provides information on industry conduct over the years. -
GASP of Colorado: Tobacco Industry and Front Groups - Papers on Philip Morris's accommodation/pre-emption program; Philip Morris media plan for Colorado; RJR's field force; smoker's groups bankrolled by the tobacco industry. -
Industry Activity around the World - Interviews with advocates on industry activity in Canada, Hong Kong, Poland, and Thailand. -
Multinational Monitor - January/February issue of the magazine focuses on the tobacco industry. -
Tobacco Buster: Interview With Michael Pertschuk - A leading figure in tobacco control discusses industry activity, lobbying, and use of economic power, and explains why tobacco is so weakly regulated in the U.S. -
Public Health Under Attack: ASSIST and the Tobacco Industry - Research paper reports on how the tobacco industry mobilized a well-coordinated attack on a national stop-smoking project. -
Public Versus Private Statements Made by the Tobacco Industry - Report contrasts what the tobacco said publicly with what it said in private, over a period of decades, on the subjects of nicotine and addiction, low-tar and low-nicotine cigarettes and smoker compensation, tobacco industry research and public relations, -
Tobacco's Smokescreens Revealed - Recent research identifies tobacco industry strategies to fight, delay, and water down health warnings, to prevent regulation of the tobacco industry, to circumvent advertising restrictions, and to give tobacco giant Philip Morris more lobbying power. -
More Dirty Linen For Big Tobacco - Report on how the tobacco industry pressured other companies to scale back marketing of quit-smoking products. -
The tobacco industry in Australia - Chapter in book on smoking covers tobacco industry structure, financials, lobbying tactics, public relations, and liability. -
Daily Doc: Philip Morris aggression - Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals started marketing Nicorette gum in the early 1980s. In response, Philip Morris ceased all of its humectant purchases from Dow, and let them know why. -
Monitoring and Countering Tobacco Industry Influence - Seession from health conference addresses political and economic influence of the tobacco industry, its effects, and public health responses. -
Concentration of Power - Section from report on the tobacco industry examines where power is concentrated in the tobacco industry. -
Former Surgeon General: Big Tobacco Attacked Efforts to Safeguard Public - The tobacco industry refused to cooperate with government efforts to reduce deaths and disease caused by smoking, the surgeon general under former President Jimmy Carter testified. -
Shameful Science: The Continuing Saga - Supplement covers Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds actions from 1992 to late 1998, plus some older documents that have come to light. -
Our Good Friend, the Governor - Mother Jones article on tobacco industry influence on government in general, and Philip Morris influence specifically. -
Industry Spy Poses as A Science Writer - for 35 years [06/03/99] - A tobacco public relations man, masquerading as a journalist, spied on "anti-tobacco" science, scientists, and scientific organizations for more than a third of a century. -
The Tobacco Industry in the UK - ASH-UK factsheet. Covers the major companies, market share, their promotional activities, related organizations. -
Big Tobacco Bounces Back - "Philip Morris et al. are recasting themselves as kinder, gentler companies concerned about their communities. Meanwhile, they're strong-arming the TV networks to block counter-ads which might persuade you otherwise." -
Smoking Gun - What's the biggest tobacco stock you've never heard of? Try Wal-Mart. Forbes article explains. -
A Frank Statement - On January 4, 1954, in response to continuing scientific reports on the health effects of smoking, the tobacco industry published this ad in more than 400 newspapers. It was a seminal moment in the history of tobacco, and also of public relations. -
Tobacco Industry Witnesses on Whether Smoking Causes Lung Cancer - Tobacco industry witnesses who argued against restrictions on secondhand smoke were asked if firsthand smoke, smoking cigarettes, causes lung cancer. These are their answers. -
Memo to Commerce Committee on Tobacco Documents - Memo from John Dingell, ranking member, to Democratic members of the House Commerce Committee, on the subpeonaed tobacco documents. Provides overview of what the documents reveal about industry manipulation, lobbying, litigation, PR, and lawyer control o -
eye - The Cigarette Papers - New evidence shows how Canadian tobacco companies marketed to minors, and manipulated nicotine. Article from Eye magazine. -
Big Tobacco Accused of Destroying Evidence - Washington post article covers tobacco industry document shredding, attempts to discredit anti-smoking activists, and attempts to bribe health officials. -
Frontline: inside the tobacco deal - Interview with Dr. David Kessler. -
The Truth about Big Tobacco in Its Own Words - Editorial in the British Medical Journal urges opening of the Guildford depository of tobacco industry documents and explains what we've learned already from industry documents. -
Health Warning: Low Tar Cigarettes are a Deliberate Con - From Action on Smoking and Health in the UK. Covers emissions, smoker compensation, differences between expectations and reality for low tar cigarettes, and what the industry knew and how it behaved. -
Tobacco Facts - From British Columbia, lots of information on smoking and the tobacco industry in Canada. -
Statements of Former Philip Morris Employees - CourtTV provides statements of Ian Uydess, William Farone, and Jerome Rivers. Covers nicotine manipulation, nicotine impact boosting, and research conducted by Philip Morris on nicotine addiction. -
Spiking Tobacco: How to Keep Smokers Hooked - Guide. Documentation on how tobacco companies manipulate tobacco to keep smokers hooked. -
Smoke in the Eye - "The Insider" is about Jeff Wigand, CBS, and Big Tobacco. A documentary covering the facts behind the movie. -
Philip Morris: Death, Disease, and Duplicity - Rundown on tobacco giant Philip Morris, the largest tobacco company in the world. Features a section on its advertising abroad. -
McSpotlight on the Tobacco Industry - Which tobacco company also makes Maxwell House coffee? Which is the largest tobacco company in the world? This site has answers. -
FDA Report On Nicotine In Cigarettes - Features "Industry Statements on Nicotine's Drug Effects" and "Industry Manipulation and control of nicotine delivery". -
Trinkets and Trash - Gallery of cigarette ads and tobacco industry promotional items: t-shirts, caps, radios, and a wide variety of other items designed by tobacco companies to sell cigarettes, spit tobacco, and cigars. -
Pervasive Influence of the Tobacco Industry - Report from National Network for Health outlines economic, political, legal, and marketing power of the industry. -
Committee on the Judiciary - Humphrey Statement - Statement by Minnesota Attorney General Humbert Humphrey III before the House Judiciary Committee on tobacco policy and the June 20th settlement. "All the tobacco industry asks you to do, Mr. Chairman, is to guarantee them decades of prosperity...Mem -
Trust Us: We're the Tobacco Industry - Concise guide to the millions of pages of confidential tobacco industry documents released through litigation in the United States; reveals what was going on behind closed doors in the tobacco companies. -
No Sale: 5. Legislative Recommendations - "Faced with the prospect that state laws may be strengthened, the tobacco industry initiated a campaign to avert effective reform by enacting its own weaker proposals, designed to give the false appearance of reform without effecting meaningful chan -
Big Tobacco Infiltrated UN Agencies - World Health Organisation report says tobacco industry sabotaged WHO tobacco control efforts. -
Joe Camel Campaign - In the litigation Mangini v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Collection, R.J. Reynolds and its advertising agencies were ordered to produce several million pages of documents regarding the design and implementation of the Joe Camel Campaign. Some of the mo -