Kaila's RPG Page - Includes one-liners, dark humor, and game master jokes. [English/Polish] - http://www.kaila.pl/rpg/
Vague: Roleplay - Rules, characters, creatures, and stories with a irreverent flavor. - http://www.vaguenet.com
I Won't Wear It! - Collection of humorous covers from "The Wild Hunt", magazine of the MIT Strategic Games Society. - http://polyticks.com/glenn/
Michelle's RPG Stories - Quotes and anecdotes from Deadlands, Fading Suns and World of Darkness. - http://www.silverspoonandpaperplate.com/rpg.html
Breakfast of Demons - Information about "Gamesmaster, Gamesmaster What have you done?!" a comedy movie about roleplaying. - http://www.breakfastofdemons.com
Call of Cthulhu Humor - Songs including "Calypso", "Cecilia", "Something Happening Here", "See Spot Cringe",and "The Ideal CoC Investigation". - http://www.hoboes.com/pub/Role-Playing/Horror/Call%20of%20Cthulhu/Humor/