Order of the Stick - Fantasy role playing oriented strip - includes cast of characters and some game design articles. - http://www.giantitp.com/
Nodwick - Aaron Williams's comics as appearing in Dragon and Dungeon magazines. Title strip misadventures of a D&D henchman, also Fantatoons, Canada Fox (non roleplayng), other cartoons. - http://archive.gamespy.com/comics/nodwick/
DeViations - Comic devoted mainly to the RPGA Living City of Ravens Bluff as viewed from the perspective of one of its most famous citizens, DeVia Dirkdancer. By Fugli Troll. - http://dirkdancer.comicgenesis.com/
Atland - A weekly strip by Nate Piekos. - http://www.pvcomics.com/atland/
The Average Archive - Humorous successor to Murphy's Rules - cartoons demonstrating the anomalies in various rules systems by using Joe Genero, the average man. - http://www.furnation.com/Sanguine/JoeGenero/
Another Gaming Comic - A webcomic, where five players (including "Nuclear Dan" and "Joe Chaos") powergame and their different roleplaying personalities conflict. - http://agc.deskslave.org/
SwordInHand.com - Roleplaying without the whips. A comic that takes a humorous spin on rpg's. - http://www.swordinhand.com
Mark Shallow's ADVENTURERS! - A webcomic making fun of Roleplaying games. - http://www.adventurers-comic.com/
The Weird Worlds of Pewfell Porfingles - Daily epic fantasy/RPG comic strip humor with that wacked-out wizard Pewfell Porfingles, Tina his well-armed warrior wife with the chainmail wonderbra and featuring the extremely annoying Gnoma. - http://www.pewfell.com
Dwarf Lover: The Comic - Comic depiction of nerds roleplaying elves, hobbits and yes, dwarfs. Hilarity ensues. - http://www.noapologiespress.com/dwarfcomic/
Yahoo! Groups: dorktower - Message board to honor the Dork Tower comic book by John Kovalic. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dorktower/
The Travelers - Tony DiGeralamo's comedic fantasy comic book series with roleplaying elements. Character stats, plot synopses, order information. - http://www.thefixsite.com/
Yamara - The new Web domain of the former Dragon comic strip. RPG and SF/F humor from the twin enfants terrible, Manui and Adams. - http://www.yamara.com/