Damn Yankees - Humor about yankees and the differences between the Northern US and the South. - http://www.oldhippie.com/damnyankee/
Boyracerguide.co.uk - A look at the practice by young British males of stupidly modifying cars and generally driving like lunatics. - http://www.boyracerguide.co.uk/
Talk Like A Pirate Day - Background information and activities for those that fancy themselves as seafaring criminals. - http://www.talklikeapirate.com/
Pimp Central - Articles, classifieds, a guide on pimping and a random pimp generator. - http://pimpcentral.org/
Mayflower Unlimited - Humor and information to do with marijuana, its uses and the laws governing it. - http://www.mayflowerunlimited.com/
The Partygoers - A group dedicated to spreading goodwill through the spontaneous visitation of social gatherings and celebrations. - http://www.thepartygoers.com/
Dull Men's Club - A place where dull men can share thoughts and experiences free from pressures to be "in and trendy". - http://www.dullmen.com/
Losers dot Org - Categorized by social group with "loser" ratings. - http://www.losers.org/
Chaoslibrary - A community of crazy people doing silly stunts and arranging mad parties and events. - http://www.chaoslibrary.co.uk
The Official Homepage for Fat Geeks - If you are a fat geek, you have come to the right place. - http://www.enviroveggie.com/fatgeeks/fatgeeks.html