Spoofpark - Cartoons of popular genre movies and television shows including Star Wars, Stargate, Buffy, and Red Dwarf in a South Park style. - http://www.spoofpark.com/
Blah Trek - Features humor at the expense of movies and TV series like Star Trek, 2001, Red Dwarf and Star Wars. Jokes, parodies, short stories, long stories, and mocking. - http://bgprocessing.com/blahtrek
Soylent Green Biscuit Company - Parody site based on the 1973 movie and book by Harry Harrison. Shirts, music, downloads, links and tutorials. - http://www.soylent-green.com/
Tachyon Cult - Spoof news, rumors, and reviews of science fiction and fantasy movies, television, and magazines. - http://www.tachyon-tv.co.uk/
Evil Overlord, Inc. - The list of the Top 100 Things I'd Do If I Ever Became an Evil Overlord. Also, a page of Star Trek parodies and more Evil Overlord tips. - http://minievil.eviloverlord.com/index.html
Book-A-Minute SF/F - Ultra-condensation of classic and popular books. - http://www.rinkworks.com/bookaminute/sff.shtml
Planet Relish E-Zine - A magazine devoted exclusively to humorous science fiction, fantasy and horror. - http://www.planetrelish.com/
Tim's Top Tens - Top ten lists covering different topics, including Star Trek and anime. - http://faans.com/toptens.html