Lode's Computer Graphics Tutorial - Computer graphics tutorials about fractals, fourier transform, demo effects, software 3D engines, raycasting, etc. Examples (with C++ source code). - http://student.kuleuven.be/~m0216922/CG/index.html
Graphics Notes - Topic papers on computer graphics maintained by the faculty and students of the Computer Graphics Group, Computer Science Department, at UC Davis. - http://graphics.idav.ucdavis.edu/education/GraphicsNotes/homepage.html
Ninja Cross - Programming and game development projects including screen shots and source code. - http://www.ninjacross.it/
Thomas Mølhave - 3D graphics programming with C++ tips including scaling, rotation and transformations. - http://home10.inet.tele.dk/moelhave/tutors/3d/transformations/transformations.html
Graphics Languages Tutorials - Common fundamentals of graphics programming. OpenGL, Java3D and graphics programming in Delphi, C++ and Java. - http://www.nichewo.com/gltut/
Visual Basic Games and Graphics - Visual basic graphics, animation and activex games. - http://martincastaneda.htmlplanet.com/
Softwareburner - Site for OpenGL programming in Java, Gl4Java and C++. - http://www.softwareburner.de/softwareburner.htm
Graphics Gems Repository - Free code repository for the 5 volume set of books on various computer graphics programming techniques. - http://www.acm.org/pubs/tog/GraphicsGems/
Geo informational system - Dynamic models of real objects that may be used for the development of any functional and visual models of the real world. - http://gisar.sourceforge.net/ENG/Index.htm
A Human's Eye View: Motion Blur and Frameless Rendering - "This paper explores this motion blur and its relationship to: camera open shutter time, current computer graphics motion-blur implementations, temporally anti-aliased images, and the Human Visual System's (HVS) motion smear quality." Publishe - http://www.acm.org/crossroads/xrds3-4/ellen.html
Ultimate Game Programming - Tutorials on OpenGL, DirectX. Also tutorials for MFC, C, and C++ programming. - http://www.ultimategameprogramming.com/
Design By Numbers - A programming environment and language created for visual designers and artists as an introduction to computational design. - http://dbn.media.mit.edu/
Swap-Meet - An interactive 3D community, composed primarily of NeMo Dev or Creation users. - http://www.theswapmeet.com/
Win Design - 3D graphics programming with PowerRender and C++. - http://www.windesign.at/