3D Graphics with Perl - Jonathan Chin's presentation on using Perl modules for generating 3D graphics. Includes sample code and screen shots for rendering molecular structures. - http://london.pm.org/lpw/talks/2005/jonathan_chin-3d_graphics.pdf
Exploring Perl Modules - Part 1: On-The-Fly Graphics with GD - Tutorial for installing and using the Perl GD module on Unix. Includes sample code for drawing, text rendering, fonts, and a simple photo album. - http://linuxgazette.net/issue81/padala.html
A Perl Port of mathsPIC Graphics Package - A whitepaper on the Perl implementation of the mathsPIC application. Includes advantages of using Perl for mathematical rendering, and sample code. - http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb21-3/tb68syro.pdf
Graphics & Charts - Perl5 - Examples of GD::Graph for creating Perl-based graphs and charts. Includes screen shots and links to Fedora RPMs. - http://www.infocopter.com/perl/graphics-charts.html
Image Processing in Perl Graphic Applications - White paper on using Perl for image processing. Includes overview of tools, examples of image filtering/enhancement and screen shots. - http://www.prima.eu.org/conf/dk-yapc.pdf
Perl Graphics Programming Examples - From the book: "Perl Graphics Programming" - provides sample code for creating graphics in Perl, including the use of ImageMagick, SVG, Flash nd PDFs. - http://www.as220.org/shawn/PGP/
Creating Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) with Perl - Kip Hampton demonstrates how to use the Perl XML::Writer module to dynamically create SVG graphics. - http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2001/07/11/creatingsvg.html
Using GD for Perl Graphics - A simple perl course in using CPAN's GD module for simple graphics. - http://biptest.weizmann.ac.il/course/prog/graphics/
POGL - Perl OpenGL. Provides news, documentation, galleries and sample code for integrating OpenGL, OpenGL-Image, PerlMagick and other Perl modules. - http://graphcomp.com/opengl/
PerlMagick Tips - Image::Magick visual comparisons and sample code for scaling and alpha channel compositing. - http://www.dylanbeattie.net/magick/
Graphics Programming with Perl - Book by Martien Verbruggen from Manning Publications; includes tips on using Image::Magick among others. Site includes downloadable source code, and chapters 1 and 4. - http://www.manning.com/verbruggen/
Creating Charts with GD::Graph - Sample code for creating charts using the Perl GD module: line/bar/area and pie charts. - http://linuxgazette.net/issue83/padala.html
Using Perl Inline C to access FreeType library - Using inline FreeType C libraries; provides a glimps into the making of the Font::FreeType module. - http://ungwe.org/blog/2004/02/26/23:33/