4P: Pixel Pushing Paint Program - A clone of the Amiga version of the Electronic Arts' product, "Deluxe Paint". A low-resolution, low color-depth paint program. - http://umlautllama.com/project.php?ShortName=4P
Coriander - GUI to control an IEEE1394 Digital Camera and handle its video output. Features, screenshots, manual, and download. - http://damien.douxchamps.net/ieee1394/coriander/
Altaxo - Data analysis and plotting program (C#) [Windows]. - http://altaxo.sourceforge.net/
Height Map Editor - Edits, generates, and manipulates terrain height maps. These can be used in terrain renders, which are used in games, applications, and demos. Web based manual available. [Windows and Linux] - http://hme.sourceforge.net/
JPEG Pixel Interpolator - Interpolate defects (pixels, dots, stripes) in JPEG images with minimal quality loss. - http://www.zero-based.org/software/jpegpixi/
3D Scene - Illustrates most of the modeling, illumination, and rendering 3D objects. Covers Z-buffer, Shading, Phong illumination, and Ray Tracing. - http://www3.telus.net/Voiculescu/scene_3d/index.html
MayaVi - Scientific data visualizer written in Python - http://mayavi.sourceforge.net/
DIB Components - Delphi drawing components. Source code, help files, demos, and templates from Droopy Eyes Software. - http://www.droopyeyes.com/default.asp?mode=ShowProduct&ID=3
RTEQ - A free (GPL) Real Time Equalizer. - http://members.aon.at/grxpage
Chart2D - A library written in Java for adding two dimensional charts to Java programs. - http://chart2d.sourceforge.net
Open CASCADE - A geometric modeling SDK available on Linux including geometric data structures, modeling algorithms and a shape viewer. - http://www.opencascade.org
OpenDX - Open source visualization software package based on IBM's Visualization Data Explorer. - http://opendx.org