XMLProbe - Automated data quality checking of XML content. - http://www.xmlprobe.com/
Trang - A open source multi-format schema converter based on RELAX NG. Includes documentation and download. - http://www.thaiopensource.com/relaxng/trang.html
Systemwire xlinkit - integrity management of distributed XML data. Provides a validation rules language and processing engine that allows constraints beyond schema and DTD validation. - http://www.systemwire.com/solutions/technology_overview.html
Schemachine - Specification of a framework for modular validation of XML documents. - http://www.topologi.com/public/Schemachine.pdf
Examplotron - Uses instance documents as a lightweight schema language; sample documents are marked up with the information needed to guide a validator. - http://examplotron.org/
XML Well-Formedness Checker and Validator - Checks an XML document (specified by URL) for well-formedness and optionally DTD-based validity and namespace correctness. Outputs canonical XML. Runs over the web and can be downloaded. - http://www.cogsci.ed.ac.uk/~richard/xml-check.html
Comparative Analysis of Six XML Schema Languages - Paper by Dongwon Lee and Wesley W. Chu comparing XML DTD, XML Schema, XDR, SOX, Schematron, and DSD. - http://www.cobase.cs.ucla.edu/tech-docs/dongwon/ucla-200008.html