XLDL Literature Description Language - An XML doctype for the storage of novels, stories, poems and related texts. - http://www.ister.org/code/xldl/
Rivet Software - Provides solution software (Dragon Tag) for Microsoft Word and Excel that allows you to take existing financial data and turn it into XBRL-formatted data. Also provides consulting. - http://www.rivetsoftware.com/
XML in Mozilla - This document provides an overview of the plans for XML in Mozilla. (Mozilla) - http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/XML_in_Mozilla
DITA - Darwin Information Typing Architecture - Architecture for creating and deploying modular technical information on varied platforms, from printed manuals to online helpsets to hierarchical information for small-screen devices. - http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-dita4/
UBL - Universal Business Language - An OASIS effort to create a synthesis of existing XML business document libraries into one universal business langugage. - http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=ubl
XMLSTATS: Using SportsML - Introduction to the SportsML standard, designed to provide a consistent format for sports scores and statistics. - http://erikberg.com/xmlstats/
InfoML - A markup language for storing, combining, and sharing quotations, facts, ideas, and opinions. Also used for building trees and webs of such information. - http://members.dslextreme.com/users/gregg411/infoml/
RecipeBook XML - A markup language designed to allow sharing of recipes electronically. - http://www.happy-monkey.net/recipebook/
XrML eXtensible rights Markup Language - A general-purpose, XML-based specification grammar for expressing rights and conditions associated with digital content, services, or any digital resource. - http://www.xrml.org/
MusicXML - Designed to represent musical scores in common Western musical notation. It is an interchange format for notation, performance, analysis, and retrieval applications. - http://www.recordare.com/xml.html
RecipeML - Official specification document, FAQ, example recipes, and the DTD of the recipe markup language formerly known as Dessert. - http://www.formatdata.com/
Molecular Dynamics Language - Provides simple constructs like atom, bond, molecule and TRANSLATE to mark up chemical simulation data. - http://www.oasis-open.org/cover/modl.html
XBEL - XML Bookmark Exchange Language - Document type for bookmark files, which can be used to exchange bookmarks between any browsers and also to publish them on the web. A conversion program is available. - http://pyxml.sourceforge.net/topics/xbel/
LMML - Learning Material Markup Language - Commented listing of an experimental version of the DTD suitable for the mark up of formal course materials, such as teaching materials, teachware. - http://www.lmml.de/
NewsML - An XML encoding for news which is intended to be used for the creation, transfer, delivery and archiving of news. By International Press Telecommunications Council. [XML-compliant browser required] - http://www.newsml.org/
XBRL - Extensible Business Reporting Language - A royalty-free, open specification to describe financial information for public and private companies and other organizations. Overview, FAQ, press releases, rescources, demonstrations and information about events. - http://www.xbrl.org/
XGMML - Extensible Graph Markup and Modeling Language - Based on GML, which is used for graph description; uses tags to describe nodes and edges of a graph. Its purpose is to make possible the exchange of graphs between differents authoring and browsing tools for graphs - http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~puninj/XGMML/
rezML - A lightweight XML DTD and style sheets for the structuring of Resumes and Job Listings. (Working Draft) - http://rezml.sourceforge.net/
QEL - Quotation Exchange Language - For exchanging collections of quotations. Downloadable DTD, example quotations, QEL software and history. - http://www.amk.ca/qel/
P3P - Platform for Privacy Preferences 1.0 Specification - Enables Web sites to express their privacy practices in a standard format that can be retrieved automatically and interpreted easily by user agents. - http://www.w3.org/TR/P3P/#DTD
PetroXML - A DTD for vendor invoicing for oil and gas field operations. - http://www.petroxml.com
OSD - Open Software Description Format - A vocabulary used for describing software packages and their dependencies. It is intended to be useful in automated software distribution environments. - http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-OSD.html
NITF - News Industry Text Format - Used for sharing news articles, developed by the International Press Telecommunications Council. Because metadata is applied throughout the news content, NITF documents are more searchable and useful than HTML pages. - http://www.nitf.org/
MCF - Meta Content Framework - A data model for describing information organization structures (metadata) for collections of networked information. - http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-MCF-XML/
NetBeans XML Project - Designed to add support for working with XML, DTD and CSS documents in NetBeans. Links, FAQs, developer's corner and downloads featured. - http://xml.netbeans.org/
xCBL - XML Common Business Library - A set of XML building blocks and a document framework that allows the creation of robust, reusable, XML documents to facilitate global trading, using SOX, XDR, and DTDs. - http://www.xcbl.org/
LOGML - Log Markup Language - Designed to describe log reports of web servers. Mining web-data that has been collected from web server logfiles, is not only useful for studying customer choices, but also helps in organizing web pages. The structure of a web site is represented as a - http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~puninj/LOGML/
How to Create Channel Definition Format (CDF) Files - Microsoft tutorial, explaining how CDF gives Web authors another way to organize their sites. - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/workshop/delivery/cdf/tutorials/generic.asp
CIDX: Chemical Industry Data Exchange - Vendor neutral industry organization that created Chem eStandards, uniform standards of data exchange developed specifically for the buying, selling and delivery of chemicals. - http://www.cidx.org/
Adex - A document type for newspaper classified ads. - http://www.naa.org/technology/clsstdtf/
Open Applications Group (OAGI) - Freely downloadable set of DTDs that define interfaces between business applications such as Purchasing, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Human Resources, and Financials, The context of the DTDs is fully explained in a document called OAGIS, which is also - http://www.openapplications.org/
VocML - Vocabulary Markup Language - DTD/Schema developed to support the structured representation of a wide range of Knowledge Organization Systems/Services (KOS). - http://xml.coverpages.org/vocML.html
Extensible 3D (X3D) - Open standard XML application developed by the W3D Consortium as the successor to Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML 97). - http://www.web3d.org/x3d/
JSML - JSpeech Markup Language - A text format used by applications to annotate text input to speech synthesizers; derived from Java Speech API Markup Language. - http://www.w3.org/TR/jsml/
DARPA Markup Language (DAML+OIL) - DAML is being developed as an extension to XML and RDF. DAML+OIL provides a rich set of constructs with which to create ontologies and to markup information so that it is machine readable and understandable. - http://www.daml.org/
ISO 15022 XML - Replaces FIX and SWIFT messaging protocols as a single industry standard; prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC68, Banking, Securities and Related Financial Services, Sub-Committee SC4, Securities and Related Financial Instruments. - http://www.iso15022.org/
Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 2.0 - Describes mathematical notation and capturing both its structure and content. (W3C Recommendation 21 February 2001) - http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML2/