ArtLex - Art Dictionary
- Reference material in art, art history, art criticism, aesthetics, and art education. Definitions of thousands of terms, illustrations, quotations, and links to other resources.
Artists and Ancestors - Exhibtion of miniature portraits from XVIII - XX century, information about artists and sitters. -
Art in the - Offers an introduction to visual art history. Famous artist's galleries and biographies, movements, major museums. -
Know Your Art - Database for the study of the history of art from Utah University. Images and data about works of architecture, sculpture, and painting from prehistory to the 20th century. -
Art Historians' Guide to the Movies - A record by Craig Eliason of appearances of and references to famous works of art and architecture in the movies, arranged by period. -
OCAIW: Art Images on the Web - Orazio Centaro's site. Includes a long alphabetical listing of artists and includes links to images that reside on both the OCAIW site and other artist sites on the Web. -
New Deal Art During the Great Depression - Information and photographs of extant WPA/New Deal art, focusing on Illinois, Ohio, and California. There are extensive biographies, a timeline of the New Deal, and other odd bits of information. -
The Getty Provenance Index - Collects and disseminates information related to the history of collecting and the provenance of individual works of art. -
Carol Gerten's Virtual Art Museum - Broad gallery that includes biographies and images for hundreds of well-known American, French, Spanish, Dutch, German and Japanese artists. -
Mona Lisa Images for a Modern World - A site exploring the enduring fascination of the Mona Lisa, including history, parodies, homages and comments from site visitors. -
Lübeck's Dance of Death - Dances of Death in Lübeck, Tallinn, Berlin and Denmark. Pictures, books and primary sources. Several books are reproduced. -
University of Texas - Byzantine Medieval Hypertexts - Discussing the theory of hypertext and its medieval application in Byzantine manuscripts, using examples from the Theodore Psalter, a manuscript created in 1066. -
Mexican Masks - Collection of authentic danced masks from Mexico and Guatemala with discussions and comments on the art of collecting and other curious observations. Antique masks, patination techniques, insect infestation, techniques of collecting. -
Andres Blaisten Museum - Masterpieces of Mexican Art from the XIX and XX Centuries from private collections. -
Sister Wendy's American Collection - From PBS - Sister Wendy Beckett, nun and art commentator, takes viewers on a tour through six of America's greatest art museums. -
World Art Treasures - Based on the Jacques-Edouard Berger collection of images of art objects and essays devoted to the main civilizations, such as Egypt, China, Japan, India, Europe. -
Art History with Michelli - The Art Browser divides categories of resources by time period and their movements. -
Audio Recordings of Great Works of Art - Exploring the aural aura of masterworks as found in the sounds in the immediate locations of highly regarded paintings, sculptures, and other artworks. -
Art History at Loggia - Explores the history of art with information about artists, styles, and periods. Includes resources and reference materials about art history, searchable database, and forums. -
Mark Harden's Artchive - An art archive with thousands of images that are accessed through an alphabetical list of artist's names and art styles. Covers every style of art from ancient and African to impressionist and modern. -
Art Cellar Exchange: Millenium Archive - The Art Cellar Exchange's alterego, Arty, looks back at some of the most significant art work produced in modern history and their impact on life today and in the coming millennium. -
Delineavit et Sculpsit - The Internet stepping stone for all those interested in Old Master prints and drawings: publications, events, links to the world's main print rooms, and the periodical Delineavit et Sculpsit. -
Resources in Art History for Graduate Students - This newsletter lists grants, fellowships, internships, conferences, publication and study abroad opportunities for graduate students in art history and closely related areas. -
WebMuseum: Famous Paintings - Comprehensive and well organized site that offers rich images and concise historical context for artists and art movements ranging from Gothic and Renaissance to Impressionism and Pop. - Art History - Online community and resource guide for the artists and art periods of the past. -
HuntFor Art History - Quick reference for all periods in the art history, images and links. -
ARC International - The Art Renewal Center - Offering biographical information and high-resolution images of many paintings from the great masters of the 19th century. -
ArtMagick - Virtual art gallery displaying paintings and poetry from art movements of the 19th and 20th centuries with an emphasis on displaying works of art by artists who have been forgotten or neglected in recent years. - - Internet-based art museum experience, includes specialized exhibitions with emphasis on background information not normally available to the public. -