The Stained Glass Museum, Ely Cathedral - Houses a national collection of British stained glass. The illustrated online catalogue can be browsed by designer, subject, date or place. Includes brief biographies of designers. -
Buckinghamshire Stained Glass - Photographic directory of stained glass windows throughout this English county, with indices of artists, maker's marks, locations, subjects, dates and dedicatees. -
Medieval Stained Glass Windows from Esslingen am Neckar - Exhibit of 13th and 14th-century German stained glass. Full-color images, with commentary on background, techniques, construction, and artistic themes. -
Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi - The British section (funded by the British Academy) of an international survey of stained glass. Searchable image database (with over 10,000 colour images), and online ordering for related publications. -
Chagall Windows, Jerusalem - The Synagogue of the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center has stained glass windows designed by Marc Chagall. Expandable thumbnail photographs with commentary. -
The Art of Incarnation - Photographs with some explanatory text of the stained-glass windows by New York glassmaker and painter John La Farge in the Church of the Incarnation, New York. -
Friends of the Windows of St. James Chapel - Aims to preserve the stained-glass windows created in 1918 by the John J. Kinsella Company at Archbishop Quigley Preparatory Seminary in Chicago. History, campaign news and calendar of events. -
Andrew Stoddart of Nottingham - Clare Edwards provides photographs and a brief biography of this British artist, together with some of his sketches, designs and church windows. -
Michelli's History of Stained Glass - Perette Elizabeth Michelli has gathered a collection of links to stained glass resources and added her own commentary, which provides a history. -
Margaret Agnes Rope and Margaret Edith Rope - Biographies and works of the Rope cousins, who worked in the Arts and Crafts style, with photographs. -
Stained Glass Photography - A comprehensive guide to the stained glass of William Morris, Henry Holiday, Edward Burne-Jones, Charles Kempe, Louis Tiffany and others in churches throughout the world. From P. Neil Ralley. -
The Windows of Judson - History of the stained-glass windows designed by John La Farge in the 1890s for the socially aware, arts-oriented community at Judson Memorial Church, New York, and commentary on their restoration. -
Medieval Stained Glass - San Jose State University provides an extensive gallery of expandable images, accessed via pull-down menu and selection from an array. Basic information is given for each. -*1$596
The Stained Glass Windows of Memorial Hall, Harvard University - The collection of stained glass in Memorial Hall comprises a veritable museum of American stained glass. Descriptions and photos of the windows, by various English and American designers. -
The Windows of St. Etienne, Bourges, France - A page of pictures of the windows of this church, by Prof. Jeffery Howe from Boston College. Part of his site 'A Digital Archive of Architecture'. -
The Windows of St. Chapelle, Paris, France. 1243-48 - A page of pictures of the windows of this church, by Prof. Jeffery Howe from Boston College. Part of his site 'A Digital Archive of Architecture'. -