The Kempe Memorial - The memorial to Charles Eamer Kempe in the South Transept of Chichester Cathedral, designed by John Lisle, -
The Kempe Society - The Kempe Society was set up to promote interest in the work of the Master of Glass, Charles Eamer Kempe, 1837-1907 and that of his firm which specialised in stained glass design and production, as well as church decorative art of many kinds. -
Charles E Kempe (1837-1907) - A brief biography of the Victorian stained glass window designer Charles Kempe, with particular reference to his work in Cumbria (The Lake District). -
Kempe, Charles Eamer (1837-1907 ) - A comprehensive biography of Charles E Kempe, Victorian stained glass designer, whose distinctive style in stained glass reached the peak of popularity in the late 19th century. From Churchmouse. -