American Artist Reference - Information more than 52,000 American artists including biographies, bodies of work, valuation and appraisal techniques, auction records, publications, and artists representatives as well as literature and museum information for American painters and scul -
United States Senate Catalogue of Fine Art - Senate document detailing the portraits and sculptures in the United States Senate. -
The Grand Tour: Venice & Rome in the 18th Century - Oglethorpe University Museum exhibition of 18th century landscape & veduta paintings of Venice & Rome. This important exhibit included works by Canaletto, Panini & Ricci. -
Four American Painters: Eakins, Homer, Hopper, Sargent - A survey of American painting, focusing on the work of Thomas Eakins, Winslow Homer, Edward Hopper, and John Singer Sargent. -
Famous Painter - Lives and art of famous painters Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Vincent Van Gogh. Biographies and images of works. - - Offers images of the works of famous painters. -
ARC International - The Art Renewal Center - Offering biographical information and high-resolution images of many paintings from the great masters of the 19th century. -
Women Artists in History - Showcase of women artists down through the centuries. -
Distinguished Artists Series - Distinguished artists, including an alphabetical index of over 2,000 deceased American artists, as provided by Traditional Fine Arts Online organization. -
The Smart-Ass Guide to Art - Offers humorous biographical notes on artists such as Giotto, Artemisia Gentileschi, Franz Hals, Picasso. -
All About Artists - Short biographies, image galleries, and timelines of a small selection of painters. -
Brain-Juice - Well-written biographies about 20th century art, film, history, literature, and music. All biographies are written by students at the best U.S. universities, with the strongest concentration from Brown, Harvard, Princeton, and Yale. -
Art History at Loggia - 'Artists at a Glance' features a select group of some of the most important artists who have shaped the history of art. -
Last Expression - Exploration of the art created by the prisoners at the concentration camp Auschwitz. -
Olga's Gallery - Large collection of images of the works of many artists, with biographies and historical comments. Sorted by alphabet, topic, movement, and nationality/country. Offers a newsletter, and archives are available. -
Life of an Artist - Biographies and Galleries - Includes the text of Giorgio Vasari's "The Lives of the Artists," indexed by artist with selected specific artist galleries. -
Web Gallery of Art - A virtual museum and searchable database of European painting and sculpture of the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods (1200-1700), currently containing over 6,500 reproductions. Biographies, commentaries, and guided tours. -
WetCanvas: Virtual Museum - A true virtual museum, complete with images, stories, and biographical notes on the great masters. -