Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture - The University of Durham hosts information on this publication project. Includes images and a map showing the counties covered by each volume. -
Liverpool's Peter Pan - A collection of people's memories and photographs of the Peter Pan sculpture from Liverpool's Sefton Park. -
History of Sculpture - Educational guide to the history of sculpture by Jack Bookbinder covering everything from the statues of ancient Greece to modern American monuments. -
Glasgow - City of Sculpture - Over 200 biographies of sculptors and architects, with hundreds of photographs covering the history of sculpture in Glasgow. -
End of Europe's Middle Ages: Sculpture - Part of a University of Calgary tutorial with photographs and narrative from Gothic sculpture as an architectural component to free-standing Italian Renaissance sculpture. -
The Tello Obelisk - Photographs, description and discussion by James Q. Jacobs of this prehistoric carved granite monolith from Chavín de Huantár in Peru, with bibliography. -
1200 Years of Italian Sculpture - An illustrated history of sculpture in Italy, by period. Includes author and sculptor indexes. -
Tribute to Four Sculptors from Zimbabwe - John and Bernard Takawira, Brighton Sango and Henry Munyaradzi created a vital African movement in modern sculpture with their work in serpentine. On-line exhibition. -
Sensuality in Memorial Art - Illustrated and referenced essay on the role of sensuality and the classic nude figure in memorial and cemetery sculpture around the world. From Northstar Gallery. -
Sculptured Stones of Early Medieval Scotland - The University of Glasgow research project aims to create a record of these monuments using traditional and digital techniques, including three dimensional modelling. -