Green Man of Cercles - Julianna Lees aims to catalogue most of the Green Men of the Romanesque churches in France. Includes a forum and articles in pdf format. -
Churchmouse: The Green Man - Photographs by Peter Fairweather of Green Man roof bosses from Brant Broughton Church and column capitals from St Peter's Church, Barton on Humber, North Lincolnshire. -
Tales of the Mythic Forest - Article by Terri Windling on the Green Man, with modern artwork. -
Green Man East Anglia - Dedicated to the Green Man in East Anglian churches and other buildings. Contains photographs, history, folklore and links to related sites. -
The Mystery of the Green Man - Mike Harding's quest for the Green Man, from the UK and Europe to India. Includes a bibliography. -
Canterbury Green Man - Photographs by Nigel Rushbrook of the Green Man sculptures found in Canterbury, Kent, and Devon. -