Mouni Sadhu - information - An effort to catalog and preserve Mouni Sadhus' writings, discover some of his biographical information, offer glimpses of his life and be a resource for further studies. -
Timeline of Esoterica - This timeline details when major works were published as well as the lifetimes of critical personalities in the world of esoterica. -
A Who's Who of Witches - A diverse listing with brief biographies of people involved in the esoteric. -
Frithjof Schuon - With quotes and life-description. -
Santiago Bovisio - Profile of this Prophet of the Aquarian Era, with details of his works. -
Ida Craddock Project - Banned Victorian writings on sexuality, mysticism and religion by Ida Craddock, who suffered under 19th century censorship laws. -
Mavericks of The Mind - Interviews with over thirty of the leading thinkers of our time on the subject of consciousness. -