Lucis Trust
- Founded by Alice and Foster Bailey. Includes mission statement and extensive philosophy, events calendar, publishing catalogue, plus information about Alice Bailey and meditation practices.
Alice Bailey: Portrait of Leo Rising - An esoteric interpretation of the astrological chart of Alice A. Bailey. -
The Tibetan - Information on Djwhal Khul, channeled through Alice Bailey during the period 1919-1949. -
Quotes of Alice Bailey - Excerpts from her works, presented in an almost interview like style. -
Alice Bailey - A critical but non-biased biography of Alice Bailey. -
The Watchman Expositor: Alice Bailey Profile - A biography on Bailey, with rebuttals on some of her ideas using the Bible as a source. -
Glossary: glamour - In esoteric teachings the word glamour has a particular meaning. Bailey defines it as mental illusion when intensified by desire, occurring on the astral plane. -
Master Djwhal Kuhl - Dedicated to the spread of the teachings of this Ascended Master. Includes events listing, monthly lesson and archive, message board, and chat room. -
Newlight : The Return of the Christ - New Age teachings taken from the twenty-four books written by Alice Bailey and Master Djwhal Khul. They refer to the Second Coming of Christ and to the return of the Lord Maitraya. -