Hegel - History of Philosophy - Boehme - An excerpt giving Hegel's historical interpretation of this early German philosopher. - http://www.class.uidaho.edu/mickelsen/texts/Hegel%20-%20Hist%20Phil/boehme.htm
Jacob Boehme Resources - An extensive directory of annotated links to resources, images, articles and texts. - http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/~janzb/boehme/
Behmenists - Biographical information on Boehme, general information about the English Behmenist movement which he inspired, and a bibliography. - http://www.exlibris.org/nonconform/engdis/behmenists.html
Jacob Boehme - Concise biography and links, with an emphasis on Boehme's relation to modern existentialist thought. - http://www.mythosandlogos.com/boehme.html
Man and Woman are One - Androgyny in Christianity, particularly in the works of Jacob Boehme. Extensive English summary of a Dutch dissertation by Boudewijn Koole. - http://www1.tip.nl/~t770268/androgsum.html
Esoterica Image Gallery - Includes extensive collection of images from Boehme's 1730 Theosophia Revelata. - http://www.esoteric.msu.edu/Image_Library.html