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Bradiceanu, Cristian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Work, projects, pictures, blog, and links from a Romanian living and working in Doha, Qatar.
- http://www.bradiceanu.net/

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Barbara, Oliver Open in a new windowLink Details
- A computer engineer. Includes project information, resume, photo gallery and contact details.
- http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~ob0/

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Bauck, Håvar Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes his interests, photographs from living in Africa, curriculum vitae, and links to various interviews he's given and favorite websites. Located in Oslo, Norway.
- http://www.bauck.com/

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Bradford, Anthony G. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes travel pictures and links.
- http://anthonybradford.com/

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Bertelli, Gianluca Open in a new windowLink Details
- A Computer Science graduate from Italy. Includes notes and software about XML, C#, Java and Linux, web site portfolio, a resume, and photograph album.
- http://www.gianlucabertelli.com

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Bruce, Cam Open in a new windowLink Details
- Contains a resume, pictures, a weblog, and links.
- http://www.cambruce.com/

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Basu, Uttiya Open in a new windowLink Details
- A biography, his interests, photographs of his travels to Southeast Asian countries and of family and friends, and a blog.
- http://www.uttiya.com

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Borup, Brian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Musical spotlight feature, musical artist's autographs, family photos, his resume, and his book and CD collection.
- http://www.borups.org/brian/

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Burghardt, Krzysztof Open in a new windowLink Details
- A Computer Science student from Muszyna, Poland. Includes his free software projects for download, a curriclum vitae, articles, and photograhps.
- http://www.burghardt.pl/

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Baldessari, Fabio Open in a new windowLink Details
- A Postdoctoral Scholar at the Department of Mechanical Enginerring at Stanford University. Includes his research interests, sponsored research project, and lists of his publications and degrees.
- http://www.stanford.edu/%7efabiob1/FabioBaldessari.htm

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Brej, Charlie Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes pictures, open source projects, links and lego.
- http://brej.org/

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Butler, Dylan Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides information about web design and logos as well as contact information, a personal portfolio, and a resume.
- http://dylanbutler.com

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Bottaro, Andre Open in a new windowLink Details
- An overview of the author's scientific and technical work in Grenoble Research labs as well as a descriptive list of web sites he currently maintains.
- http://perso.orange.fr/andre.bottaro/

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Bethlehem, Hayo Open in a new windowLink Details
- Dutch web designer and photography enthusiast shares his interests.
- http://hayobethlehem.nl/

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Banks, Gregory - WheelMan's Place Open in a new windowLink Details
- About the author. Includes his poetry, prose, artwork and his favorite books.
- http://www.wheelmansplace.com/

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Barkov, Victor Open in a new windowLink Details
- Russian journalist, author, and songwriter. Member of the Siberian Centre of Musical-Spiritual Culture.
- http://www.claymania.com/clayspace/Victor.html

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Berry, Matt - Super Prom Open in a new windowLink Details
- A calendar of super prom events, photographs from different years of the event, the story behind super prom, a message board, and links.
- http://www.superprom.com/

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Baars, Mark and Sandra Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes a photo gallery and links.
- http://www.markbaars.com/

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Braithwaite, Don Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes personal information, links to favorite sites and photographs of friends.
- http://don.braithwaite.name/

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Blomgren, Henric Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes a curriculum vitae, a biography, technology articles, a photo gallery, and links.
- http://040.digital-bless.com/

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Brookes-Parkhill, Jessica Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes a portfolio of the artist's photography and biographical information.
- http://www.newphotographers.net/Jessica_Parkhill/

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Braginsky, David Open in a new windowLink Details
- A Google software engineer gives us his resume, holiday snaps, interests and intermittent weblog.
- http://daveey.netapt.com/

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Brenton, Daniel Open in a new windowLink Details
- Weblog on the meaning of the universe, biography, articles, and links.
- http://www.danielbrenton.com/

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Baylor, Mark and April and Friends Open in a new windowLink Details
- Details about Mark Baylor, fiance April Wible, college pictures, family pictures, and computer related topics.
- http://www.markandapril.net

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Bajpai, Peeush Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes personal information, photographs, and family.
- http://www.peeush.com/

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Brodt, Peter Open in a new windowLink Details
- RPG information and links.
- http://www.brodt.dk/peter/

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Berlau Jr, Don Open in a new windowLink Details
- About Don and NASCA racing. Also a message board and chat room.
- http://home.comcast.net/~donberlaujr51/

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Baugh, Adrian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes photography and climbing-related material.
- http://www.adrianbaugh.org.uk/

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Bratcher, Carl Open in a new windowLink Details
- Biography, news, weblog, and photo gallery.
- http://www.carlbratcher.com/

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Buckingham, Will Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes personal information, web design, philosophy, and creative writing.
- http://www.willbuckingham.com/

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Boggus, Kevin Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes a journal, calendar and photos.
- http://imaginekb.com/

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Busch, Eric Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes travel, climbing, and Korea.
- http://homepage.ericbusch.net/

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Briggs, Mark L. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Personal information, pictures, friends, portfolio and contacts.
- http://www.markbriggs.com/

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Branson, Erik Open in a new windowLink Details
- Personal information including a resume, photo album, music, and description of projects.
- http://branson.dyndns.org:81/home.php

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Boyle, James Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes personal information, essays, and links.
- http://www.law.duke.edu/boylesite/

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Boguslavsky, Eugene Open in a new windowLink Details
- Personal details, pictures, information on camp Catskills, a guest-book, resume and links.
- http://www.boguslavsky.com/

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Blyler, Andy Open in a new windowLink Details
- Pictures and brief personal information.
- http://www.andyblyler.com/

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Bernadus, Kevin Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes a personal profile and photos.
- http://users.tpg.com.au/kevinber/

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Berkman, Jacob Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes personal information and news.
- http://wednesdaynight.org/

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Bergersen, Henning Open in a new windowLink Details
- Webcam, pictures, personal information. Also a diary and poetry in Norwegian.
- http://www.wallflower.nu/

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Berg, Owen Open in a new windowLink Details
- Personal information, religion, opinions and links.
- http://www.owens-web.co.uk/

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Benc, Rado Open in a new windowLink Details
- Contains photos and personal documents.
- http://www.radobenc.sk/

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Bellotto, Nicola Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers information on academics, job and interests.
- http://privatewww.essex.ac.uk/~nbello/

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Bean, Russell Open in a new windowLink Details
- Contains personal information, pictures, and a Curriculum Vitae.
- http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~rbean/russ/

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Bajracharya, Sharad Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes a resume, photographs, pictures, and family.
- http://www.sharad.info/

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Bittencourt, Ricardo Open in a new windowLink Details
- Updated research information, some main interests, and the all-new recursive link with role playing information.
- http://www.700km.com.br/mundobizarro/

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Balasundaram, Sarath Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides personal information, research, resume and photos.
- http://www.sarathchandran.com/

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Briggs, Kim Open in a new windowLink Details
- Photographs, songs, poems, biographical and computer-related information and links.
- http://kimbriggs.com/

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Bowles, Tamsin Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes biography with pictures, webcam, slideshow, pictures of mosaics and links directory.
- http://tamsin.com/

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Buemi, Antonio Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes a resume, picture galleries and family tree with biographies.
- http://www.antoniobuemi.altervista.org/

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Blade, Zoë Open in a new windowLink Details
- Describes her reasons for being vegan, music theory and files, and basic web design information.
- http://www.bytenoise.co.uk/

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Babbage, Ben Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes paper on plant growth regulators in the turfgrass industry and links to friend's sites.
- http://www.msu.edu/user/babbageb/

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Baumann, Jürg Open in a new windowLink Details
- Highlights personal information such as the author's hobbies and experience in software development, as well as family photographs.
- http://www.jplanet.ch/

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Barts, Cat Open in a new windowLink Details
- Biography and pictures.
- http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~cat/

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Benedetti, Mike Open in a new windowLink Details
- Biography, writings, and interviews.
- http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~benedett/

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Bhardwaj, Manu Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes personal information, writings, pictures, and projects.
- http://bhardwaj.info/

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Balaa, Talal T. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes a resume, research, and links.
- http://alumnus.caltech.edu/~talal/

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Bhatti, Munir Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes writing and cooking.
- http://alumnus.caltech.edu/~munir/

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Bazlov, Yuri Open in a new windowLink Details
- Personal information, curriculum vitae, links to pictures, and mathematical links.
- http://www.maths.qmw.ac.uk/~yb/

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Boucher, Kristie Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes personal information, Cherokee history, and a resume.
- http://students.ou.edu/A/Kristie.D.Ames-1/

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Bohoris, Christos Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes a Curriculum Vitae, publications, and interests.
- http://www.connectina.com/sirius/

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Bossom, Andrew Open in a new windowLink Details
- Contains pictures, personal information, and web diary.
- http://www.rewboss.com/

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Barclay, Frans and Christina Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes personal information, photographs, and travel.
- http://www.fransandchristina.com/

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Berenholtz, Jim Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes personal information and links.
- http://www.jimberenholtz.com/

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Bindler, Ed - Blu Archer Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes a portfolio, projects, personal information, and a resume.
- http://www.bluarcher.com/

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Bischoff, Gregg Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes personal information, programming, and projects.
- http://members.cox.net/greggbischoff/

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Barton, Gary Michael Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes personal information, photographs, interests, and genealogy.
- http://www.garymbarton.com/

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Braunstein, Brian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes skateboarding, music, friends, and photographs.
- http://bristyle.com/

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Basset, Andre Open in a new windowLink Details
- Contains personal information, a resume, photographs, and links.
- http://www.le0ne.com/

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Burley, Richard Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes a Curriculum Vitae, pictures, personal information, and links.
- http://www.richardburley.com/

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Brooke, Tony Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes a resume, articles, personal information, and photographs.
- http://www.tonybrooke.com/

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Bodenburg, Reto and Olive Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes New Zealand, photographs, and family.
- http://www.bodenburg.ch/

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Bernard, Halsted Mencotti Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes personal information, a journal, travel, photographs, and favorite books.
- http://www.cygnoir.net/

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Banack, Cory Open in a new windowLink Details
- Contains a resume, friends, activism, and links.
- http://xanatos.ca/

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Blench, Roger Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes publications, a Curriculum Vitae, and links.
- http://homepage.ntlworld.com/roger_blench/RBOP.htm

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Bower, Nathan Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes personal information, pictures, and work.
- http://www.nathanbower.com/

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Biemann, Ursula Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes personal information, art, and videos.
- http://www.geobodies.org/

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Bodelson, Magnus Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes personal information and photographs.
- http://www.stacken.kth.se/~mbo/

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Barbee, Jesse Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes art, greeting cards, and interests.
- http://www.jessebarbee.com/

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Brandestini, Nick Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes personal information, pictures, and links.
- http://www.brandestini.ch/

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Brumme, Stephan Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes personal information, programming, games, and links.
- http://www.stephan-brumme.com/

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Brenig, Karin Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes photographs, personal information, and links.
- http://www.karin-web.com/

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Bacia, Bartosz Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes philosophy, martial arts, and politics.
- http://www.bacia.pl/

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Berthiaume, Jeffrey B. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Contains personal information, case studies, and resume.
- http://www.jeffreyberthiaume.com/

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Broere, Leander Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes personal information, music, and links.
- http://members.home.nl/leander-broere/

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Bakhshi, Ketan Open in a new windowLink Details
- Contains art, photographs, games, and a resume.
- http://www.ketanweb.net/

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Blankenbehler, Greg Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes personal information, pictures, and links.
- http://pitchperfect.8m.com/

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Baxter, Boone Open in a new windowLink Details
- Contains personal information, interests, and photographs.
- http://www.boonebaxter.com/

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Barlow, David and Betty Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes family, news, and interests.
- http://www.davidebarlow.com/

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Bonsey, Peter - The English Gardner Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes photographs, gardens, and ramblings.
- http://www.peterbonsey.com/

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Batzer, John Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes family, weight loss, and a resume.
- http://www.johnbatzer.com/

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