Binnie - Family history of Pippa Binnie including surnames Barker, Barnes, Casey, Doyle, Edmondson, Groves, Hagan, Heeney, Hill, Little, Makin, McDonough, Meehan, Pickston, Warburton, Whittaker and Williams. From Liverpool back through Glasgow to USA, Australia an -
Best - Researching the lineages of Best, Braham, Brahm, Brame, Knight, Lewis, McSheehy, McShee, Sheehy, Speed and O'Neil. Originated in ENG, IRL and DEU; settled in the South East of Australia. -
Beacher, Bicher, Bucher, Bury - Family history of Jonathan Beacher including the surnames Diehl, Eisenhard/Eisenhart/Eisenhuth, Geist, George, Jacobs, Knerr, Millhouse, Riegel, Smith and Snyder/Schneider. Gedcom available for download. -
Bayouth, Farris and Extended Families - Family history of Donald J Farris including the surnames Andeel, Bayoud, Deeba, Eddie, El-Kouri, Farha, Farhood, Jorishie, Massad, Monsour, Naifeh, Rahal and Sallee. -