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Bradley, Eric Open in a new windowLink Details
- The online journal of a twenty-something midwestern librarian.
- http://www.ericbradley.com/blog/

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The Breathing Room Open in a new windowLink Details
- Creative woman writes about life and motherhood.
- http://ibreathe.blogspot.com/

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Bugheart Open in a new windowLink Details
- Tales of a thrifter who enjoys giving things away.
- http://bugheart.blogspot.com/

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The Brunette Chronicles Open in a new windowLink Details
- Parenting observations from a happily overworked mother of two.
- http://journals.aol.com/ladyt9two5/TheBrunetteChronicles

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The Big Persimmon Open in a new windowLink Details
- From Washington DC to Tokyo and back again, an account of the travels of a capital city college student.
- http://little-wings.com/

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Blogged Open in a new windowLink Details
- Writing about everything under the sun.
- http://blogged.the-protagonist.net/

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The Bubbles Mandalay Project Open in a new windowLink Details
- The trials, tribulations and random musings of a librarian wannabe on her way back to school at an age she should be planning her retirement instead.
- http://www.bubblesmandalayproject.blogspot.com/

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Bloomfield.me.uk Open in a new windowLink Details
- Life as it happens in Scotland.
- http://www.bloomfield.me.uk/

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Blind Insight Open in a new windowLink Details
- Woman losing her eyesight talks about life and wedding plans. As her sight wanes, her insight waxes.
- http://blindinsight.blogs.com/

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The Big Yellow House Open in a new windowLink Details
- The writings of a mother with seven children living in a big old house that is perpetually under renovations.
- http://www.thebigyellowhouse.blogspot.com/

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Black, Jackie Open in a new windowLink Details
- Her journal.
- http://jackieblack.livejournal.com/

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Benay's LiveJournal Open in a new windowLink Details
- The nonsense in her life.
- http://benay1231.livejournal.com/

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Bitchypoo Open in a new windowLink Details
- Journal from someone who loves the ocean.
- http://www.bitchypoo.com

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Belle Texanne Open in a new windowLink Details
- Tales of a Texas ex-pat trying to make it in the big wide world.
- http://belletexanne.blogspot.com/

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Cygnoir's uill Open in a new windowLink Details
- The writing of Halsted Mencotti Bernard, from May 1998 to the present.
- http://www.cygnoir.net/quill/

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Bowers, Stacey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Journal about her life - motherhood, marriage, friends, family, work and school.
- http://whygodwhy.blogspot.com

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Backward Rain Open in a new windowLink Details
- Chronicling some of the thoughts that rise to the top of the clutter spinning in the writer's head. Also contains some entries from the journal the writer had as a child in the 60s.
- http://www.creekbed.org/backward_rain/

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Brainwane's Diary Open in a new windowLink Details
- Sumana, a.k.a. brainwane, writes regularly at Kuro5hin.
- http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~sumanah/ces.shtml

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Bierma, Nathan Open in a new windowLink Details
- Contains writings, interests and links of a freelance writer.
- http://nbierma.blogspot.com/

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Burns, Eric Alfred - Some Days in the Life Open in a new windowLink Details
- Observations on life in general.
- http://demiurgent.livejournal.com/

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Bingaman, Mike - Anthillz.net Open in a new windowLink Details
- Written by a Chicago college student sharing photos, webcam, and ramblings about college and life in general.
- http://anthillz.net/

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Barnet, Richard Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides genealogy information, photographs and family news.
- http://www.richardbarnet.com/

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Beauty's Destruction Open in a new windowLink Details
- The writer collects her most intimate thoughts and archives them for the world.
- http://www.beautydestroyed.com

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Bricklin, Dan Open in a new windowLink Details
- From the co-creator of VisiCalc, the first PC spreadsheet, a chronicle of life in the computer world with pictures and text.
- http://www.danbricklin.com/log/

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Bart - Trabaca Open in a new windowLink Details
- A student from New York University relates stories about his life, and his opinions on current events. Also includes a photo journal.
- http://www.trabaca.com/

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Brient Open in a new windowLink Details
- Chronicles the life happenings and thoughts of Brient, a programmer and student from Oregon. Includes a photo log. [Not viewable in Netscape 4.7x]
- http://brient.net/

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Bloody Hell Open in a new windowLink Details
- Brief reminiscences and reflections on the meanings of various words.
- http://www.bloody-hell.com/

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Burris, Nicole - Musings and Whatnot Open in a new windowLink Details
- Journal of a Kansas woman. Also includes links to webcam and other writings.
- http://gardengnome.livejournal.com/

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Babybaby Open in a new windowLink Details
- A journey from here to maternity. Chronicles a woman's efforts to have a child.
- http://www.babybaby.blogspot.com

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Bitter Hag Open in a new windowLink Details
- Online journal of a Bitter Hag.
- http://www.bitterhag.com

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Badgrrl's Daily Journal Open in a new windowLink Details
- The latest news.
- http://www.baddgrrl.com/LatestNews.htm

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