Depleted Uranium - Silent Genocide to Haunt Perpetrators - Provides collection of links on the effects of DU in Iraq and elsewhere. -
Uranium Weapons 2001-2003 Hazards for Iraq - Suspected uranium warheads in US hard target guided weapons verified by US Patents. Provides analysis of collected studies and public domain sources. -
Gulf War Shells Could be Causing Children's Cancers - An increase in rates of cancer in children born in Iraq has led to fears that weapons used in the Gulf War may in some way be responsible. BBC News. -
Pentagon Poison: The Great Radioactive Ammo Cover-Up - Rounds made of depleted uranium have exposed hundreds, perhaps thousands, of G.I.s to radiation without warning -- here's evidence the army knew the danger. [The Nation Online] -
Discounted Casualties - The human cost of depleted uranium. People exposed to depleted uranium and other toxic substances during the Gulf War are now tormented by leukemia and a whole array of chronic disorders. Chugoku Shimbun. -
South Movement No Nukes - Depleted uranium in Iraq: dead children and sick soldiers. -
UNHCR: Human Rights and Toxics: Depleted Uranium and the Gulf War - Official evidence from the International Educational Development/Humanitarian Law Project that the US did use Depleted Uranium in the gulf war and that "Scientific studies indicate if as much as one small particle (<5 microns in diameter) enters t -
Environmental Ruin in Iraq - Iraq Action Coalition information on the effects of the sanctions and military war on the environment. Provides information on depleted uranium. -