Gulf War Illness Developments - Official Public Affairs release of information concerning possibility of exposure of troops to chemical agents, in March 1991, while destroying munitions in the pit at Khamisiya. -
Gulf War Illnesses Research - Discusses possible causes for the disease, how to detect it, and possible treatments. -
GP Guide: Gulf War Illness - A guide to selected information available at Western Illinois University's government publications library. -
Advanced Techniques For Overcoming CFS, FMS and GWS. - Provides a treatment approach for fighting these ailments. Includes list of recommended reading and discussion of finding the root cause. -
Burning Semen Syndrome - Offers a questionnaire for current and former service members who feel they may be affected, due to their participation in the arena of operations. -
Is Gulf War Syndrome for Real - A commentary that questions the validity of the disease. -
New York Times: Gulf War Syndrome - Archives of news articles. First time users must set a password to view content. -
Reason Magazine: Gulf Lore Syndrome - Offers articles and opinions against the existence of a real disease. -
American Gulfwar Veterans Association - Stated goal is to provide information and obtain treatment for service members and families. -
Captain Joyce Riley: Gulf War Syndrome - Transcript of a speech given by a former Air Force Reserve officer, concerning biological warfare. -
Gulf War Veteran Resource Pages - Offers live chat sessions, discussion groups, and mailing lists. The site also publishes a self-help guide for affected personnel. -