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Environmental Pollution Resulting from the Use of Depleted Uranium Missiles during the Aggression against Iraq

  Link Details for: Environmental Pollution Resulting from the Use of Depleted Uranium Missiles during the Aggression against Iraq
Link Title: Environmental Pollution Resulting from the Use of Depleted Uranium Missiles during the Aggression against Iraq Open in a new window
Link URL: http://www.unhchr.ch/Huridocda/Huridoca.nsf/(Symbol)/E.CN.4.Sub.2.2000.37.En
Link Details: Study submitted by the government of the Republic of Iraq to the United Nations.
Category: Top : Society : Issues : Warfare_and_Conflict : Weapons : Depleted_Uranium : Used_in_Iraq
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Environmental Pollution Resulting from the Use of Depleted Uranium Missiles during the Aggression against Iraq