Prehistoric Archaeology of the Aegean
- Series of lessons and illustrations, tracing the Aegean from Palaeolithic and Neolithic times to Minoan Crete and Mycenaean Greece by Jeremy B. Rutter at Dartmouth College.
Industrial Minerals in Antiquity in the Aegean - Details the Melos Project, an excavation at an industrial minerals processing site in the Aegean Sea. -
The Corinth Computer Project - A computerized architectural and topographical survey of the Roman era colony of Corinth, by the University of Pennsylvania. -
Louloudies Field Survey - Rescue excavation, including geophysical and land surveys, by the University of Nottingham of a Late Roman fortification in Pieria. -
Athenean Agora Excavations - The American School of Classical Studies in Athens presents its findings from excavations since 1931, which are displayed in the reconstructed Hellenistic Stoa of Attalos Includes Quicktime videos. -
Knossos - The British School at Athens describes the history and excavations at the Minoan Palace of Knossos in Crete. Includes QuickTime tours of the palace and some of the artifacts from it. -
Pompilos - Advertisement for the volume entitled "The Nautical Origin of Greek Architecture and Sculpture". Includes a 12 page PDF synopsis of the theory and its basic evidence. -
The Persian Fleet Project - Articles, links and images concerning the history, archaeology, and recovery of the Persian fleet of Xerxes. -
Dispilio Excavations - Official Web site of the Neolithic lakeside settlement. Provides a history of the research, a team directory, the volunteer program, news, photos, and contact information. [Greek and English] -
Ohio State University - Excavations at Isthmia - Conducts archaeological research, education, and publication at the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Isthmia. Provides preliminary reports, fieldwork, projects, resources, and news. -
Athens Archaeological Park - Offers an interactive map, photos and brief summaries of the archaeological sites. -
UNCG Mochlos Archaeological Project - Excavation of a sites on the island of Mochlos and its adjacent coastal plain in eastern Crete, sponsored by the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and the University of Athens. -
Palace of Knossos in Minoan Crete - An introduction with artist's impression and visitor information from Dilos Holiday World. -
The Palace of Knossos - An expandable plan and picture tour of the great Minoan palace on the island of Crete built c.1600 B.C. from Daedalus Informatics. -
Palace at Knossos, Crete - Photographs, 3D computer model, brief description and bibliography of the great Minoan palace from Great Buildings Online. -
The Oxford Sphakia Survey - An interdisciplinary archaeological project studying life in Sphakia, Crete, from the time that people arrived in the area (by ca 3000 BCE), until the end of Ottoman rule in AD 1900. It involves the use of environmental, archaeological, documentary, and l -
Nemea Valley Archaeological Project - Bryn Mawr College and American School of Classical Studies intensive surface survey and analysis of an area of approximately 80 square kilometers in the southern Corinthia, Greece. -
Mycenae - Collection of photographic images of the Citadel and Lions Gate. -
Minoan Crete - Information about all the major and some of the minor archaeological sites of the Bronze Age civilisation in Crete. Descriptions and photos. -
Minnesota Archaeological Researches (MARWP) - Field survey and excavations of the Bronze Age in the western Peloponnesos conducted by the University of Minnesota at Messene, Morea, and Pylos. -
Mallakastra Regional Archaeological Project - Multi-disciplinary and diachronic archaeological expedition formally organized in 1996 to investigate the history of prehistoric and historic settlement and land use in an area centered on the Greek colony of Apollonia. The project employs techniques of i -
The "Lost" Portico at Knossos: The Central Court Revisited - American Journal of Archaeology 106(4). The proposal is made that lining the court here was a long pillared portico of two adjoining sections. -
Images of the Palace at Knossos - Photographs of the palace built c.1700-1300 BC taken by Mary Ann Sullivan, Bluffton College. Part of her Digital Imaging Project. -
Iklaina Survey Project - Inter-disciplinary research project investigating one of the district capitals of the Mycenaean kingdom of Pylos. -
Geophysical Survey of Philippi - University of Nottingham survey used to identify buildings and roads in the southern half of the ancient Macedonian city of Philippi. -
Finnish Excavations at Arethousa - Excavations at Arethousa, Greece, conducted by the Finnish Institute at Athens. Site dates from the Neolithic period onwards and the study is centered on an ancient basilica and its environs. -
Fieldwork Project at Geraki - Dutch archaeological study of the occupational history of the acropolis site of Geraki in Laconia, and its relationship to the rest of Laconia and the Aegean world. The methods used include topographical studies, intensive survey, and excavation. -
Excavations at Plataia - Vienna University fieldwork at the ancient battlefield of Plataiai. History of the site and current researches. -
Excavations at Isthmia - University of Chicago reports and final publication of objects found at the Sanctuary of Poseidon on the Isthmus of Corinth and surrounding area. -
Excavation of the Cave of Euripides on Salamis - Report on the excavations conducted in the cave during 1996 by Yannos G. Lolos, Assistant Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology at the University of Ioannina, Epirus. -
Excavation at Sitagroi - The Mediterranean Laboratory of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology reports on its progress in publishing work on this prehistoric village in Northeast Greece. Includes photographs. -
Eastern Korinthia Archaeological Survey - Multidisciplinary survey of eastern Korinthia, an important hub of trade and transport in the ancient Greek world. Project aims, area, staff, methodology, reports, bibliography. -
Delphi - Collection of photographic images of Delphi: Temple of Apollo, Sanctuary of Athena, and the Athenian Treasury. -
Corinth - Collection of photographic images of the Temple of Apollo,and the Acrocorinth. -
The Canal of Xerxes in Northern Greece: Explorations 1991-2001 - Investigation of the 2 km canal built by King Xerxes across a isthmus on the Athos peninsula in northern Greece to allow his fleet safe access into the Aegean in advance of the Persian invasion of the early fifth century BCE. -
Byzantine Images - Gallery of Byzantine art and historical related images. -
Ancient Cities of Crete - Article on the various excavated cities in Crete. -
Slavic Settlement of Greece in the Light of Archaeological Sources - In spite of the fact that the Slavic settlement in Greece has not yet been completely elaborated, a sufficient attention has been paid to it in research of various scientific branches. Archaeological research is slowly and gradually completing the picture -
Rich Finds in Macedonia - From ekathimerini, finds at Archontiko, near Pella in northern Greece, have shed further light on the wealth, heroic culture, commerce and burial rituals of ancient Macedonians, following the discovery of 396 unlooted tombs and 5,000 objects, dating betwe -
3,500-year-old Cretan 'Minos Ring' is Authentic - A report from Athens News that Culture Minister Evangelos Venizelos said on April 3 that the Minos Ring has been assessed by the Archaeological Service as being an authentic 3,500-year-old piece of Minoan jewelry. -
Salamis Points to Mycenaean Maritime Past - A report in Athens News that an archaeologist thinks he may have found the ancient Mycenaean naval stronghold of Salamis, the island where one of the greatest recorded battles of antiquity took place. -
Kato Phana Archaeological Project, Chios - Project takes a multidisciplinary approach to clarify and further investigate the remains of the sanctuary area and to locate the ancient coastline and to investigate the existence of any preserved ancient harbor facilities. -
Barbarians and Bureaucrats - A series of chapters on the history and culture of Minoan, Mycenean, and Dark Ages Greece from Washington State University. -
Greek Art and Archaeology - Directory of Internet resources from the University of Pennsylvania. -
Archaeological Adventure in Greece - Young students guide to archaeology in Greece using WebQuest. University of Richmond resource for teachers -
Greek Archaeology - Collection of useful links on Greek archaeology. Research institutes, architecture, sites, craft and engineering, and special topics. -
Stolen Antiquities from Corinth Return to Greece - The Hellenic Ministry of Culture rejoices in the recovery of the priceless collection of artifacts stolen from the Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth in 1990. Illustrated catalogue. -