An Ancient Greek Computer - Uncovered during a dive in 1901, near the isle of Antikythera. Page describes the components of what may be an early astronomical calculator thought to come from ancient Greece. Includes photos and sketches of the mechanical device. From the Scientifi -
The Helike Project - Ongoing investigation details of a major archeological site. -
Colonization of the Black Sea by the Ancient Greeks - An article by Igor V. Bondyrev. Peculiarity of geographic position and abundance of natural resources as well as unusual situation in home policy of Greece itself, complicated by the beginning of ecological crisis in regional ecosystems in Ancient Greece, -
Greeks 'borrowed Egyptian Numbers - From BBC, The classical pioneers of mathematics, astronomy and physics borrowed their number system from Egypt, research suggests. -
Hellenic Alexandria - Project aims to highlight the Hellenic cultural presence in Alexandria, the city founded by Alexander the Great. -
Maecenas: Images of Ancient Greece and Rome - Photographs by Leo Curran, University of Buffalo, of Classical remains across Europe, with some models and reconstructions of their original appearance. Searchable. -
The Archaeology of Ancient Greece - A guide to archaeological sites of interest on the Greek mainland, Peloponnesos, Greek Islands and western Turkey, with bibliography, from the University of Richmond. -
Parthenon Marbles - Ian Swindale and his students in Crete present the history of the magnificent frieze and sculptures from the Parthenon in Athens and the campaign to return to Greece those now in the British Museum. -
Greek Classical Archaeology - Dartmouth College classical archaeology course: City-States and Panhellenic Sanctuaries 480 - 323 B.C.E. -
Olbia Excavations - Excavation summary and images of the Greek colony of Olbia. -