The Ancient City of Aptera - History, photographs, description of recent archaeological excavations, topographical map, and related links provided. -
The Prehistoric Archaeology of the Aegean - Dartmouth College provides searchable text, galleries of expandable thumbnail photographs and bibliographies on topics including Minoan and Mycenean architecture. -
New Late Bronze Age Chronology From the Lalysos Region, Rhodes - Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 1(1). The prehistoric settlement at Ialysos is inhabited uninterruptedly From the Middle Bronze Age Untel the Late Halladic III A2 Period. (PDF) -
The Impact of Cycladic Settlers on Early Minoan Crete - Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 3(1). Substantial evidence exists for Cycladic influence in Early Bronze Age Crete. (PDF) -
Cretan Minoan Finds - Archaeology magazine reports on a newly discovered Minoan palace 20 miles south of Heraklion, Crete. Includes illustrations. -
Minoan Crete - Ian Swindale provides photographs and concise descriptions of all the major Minoan sites in Crete. A chronology is available in a separate box for ease of reference. -