Qlucore - Supplies software to explore and analyze microarray gene expression data sets, in Lund, Sweden. - http://www.qlucore.com
Strand Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Develops data analysis and visualization software for microarray gene expression data from its base in Bangalore, India. - http://www.strandls.com/
Score Comets - Site introducing the comet assay, including equipment needed, hints and tips along with information on the Comet Assay IV software scoring system. - http://www.scorecomets.com/
AiO - Downloadable package integrating database, oligo ordering, DNA and protein analysis programs from Wuerzburg, Germany. -
MB DNA Analysis - Program for statistical analysis and evaluation of the biological significance from microarray data. Includes key features, registration and download for Windows and Linux. - http://www.molbiosoft.de/
RNAdraw - A program for RNA secondary structure calculation and analysis under 32-bit Microsoft Windows. - http://www.rnadraw.com
Short Time-series Expression Miner - Freeware for clustering, comparing, and visualizing short time series gene expression data, maintained at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. - http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jernst/stem/
MILANO - Microarray Literature-based Annotation - A web-based tool to annotate lists of genes derived from microarray experiments. The annotations are generated by searching literature databases (Medline, GeneRIF) for the gene's synonyms co-occurrences with user-provided terms. - http://milano.md.huji.ac.il/
Nucleic Acid and Protein Sequence Analysis Software - From the Pittsburgh Superconputing Center, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA. - http://www.psc.edu/general/software/categories/sequence_analysis.html
Listing of DNA software links - Katalog of links to sources of software for molecular biology. - http://www.mpiz-koeln.mpg.de/~weisshaa/Adis/DNA-software-links.html
DNA Software - Company selling software intended for molecular biology. - http://www.dnasoftware.com/
Delila - Software for Analysis of Protein and Nucleic-acid Sequences. - http://www.lecb.ncifcrf.gov/~toms/delila.html
Integrated Genomics Inc. - Software and services for life science, particularly for microbial genomics, in Chicago, Illinois. - http://www.integratedgenomics.com/
Koada Technology - Supplies software for automated analysis and quantification of microarray images. - http://www.koada.com
Improved Outcomes Software Inc. - Offers programs and custom development for the visualization, analysis and classification of gene expression and proteomics data, image-guided surgery and information technology. Based in Inverary, Ontario. - http://www.improvedoutcomes.com/
List of Lists Annotated - LOLA is a platform for uploading and comparing microarray generated gene lists, with curated, annotated and published data linked to citations, in an interface maintained by the Genomics Core Facility, George Washington University. - http://lola.gwu.edu/
Gene Kinetics - Software for transcription and cell cycle genes, providing peak intervals, max values as a function of decay of gene-activating principle, inhibitory mRNA, gene amplification, anabolic capacity and proteolysis. - http://www.scienceandresearchdevelopmentinstitute.com/genkia.html
Redasoft Corp. - Makers of restriction enzyme database program, to design cloning experiments and produce high resolution graphics of plasmid maps and alignments. Includes corporate details of company in Bradford, Ontario. - http://www.redasoft.com/
Premier Biosoft International - Developers of software for real time PCR primer design, TaqMan, molecular beacons, DNA microarray analysis, drawing restriction plasmid maps, gateway cloning experiments, protein interaction network and functional genomics. - http://www.premierbiosoft.com/
Oligo Software - Consensus, multiplex and degenerate primers, oligonucleotide database, secondary structure and difficult sequencing for researchers in PCR and related technologies. Developed since 1989, by Molecular Biology Insights Inc. - http://www.oligo.net/
Chang Bioscience - Microarray analysis, lab inventory, and primer sequence database tools from San Francisco, California. - http://www.changbioscience.com/