Minnesota Counties - Color, 17 x 22. Just under 1M. Shows county boundaries as of the 2000 Census. Also major lakes and rivers. Includes county names. - http://www.commissions.leg.state.mn.us/gis/pdf/misc/counties.pdf
County Boundaries - Small map shows boundaries of Minnesota counties as of the 1990 U.S. Census. No names. - ftp://ftp.lmic.state.mn.us/pub/data/admin_poli/cou83tig.gif
Minnesota Counties and County Seats - Large map shows all county seats in Minnesota as well as county boundaries and names. 410K. - http://www.rootsweb.com/~mngenweb/countymaps.htm
Association of Minnesota Counties - Voluntary state-wide organization which helps to provide effective county governance to the people of Minnesota. All 87 Minnesota counties are currently members. - http://www.mncounties.org/