Security Bank and Trust - Headquarters in Glencoe, eight other locations in McLeod and Carver Counties. Offers personal and business financial services. Locations, hours, description of services, online banking and bill pay. -
McLeod County Historical Society - Nonprofit membership organization dedicated to preserving and interpreting the county's history. Has exhibit space as well as archives. Events calendar, description of archival collection. -
McLeod County Extension Service - Educational outreach of the University of Minnesota. Offers 4-H programs, agricultural information. -
McLeod County - Official web site of county government. History, some firsts, fast facts and statistics. Directory of county departments, with descriptions of their responsibilities. County commissioners and board minutes. Job openings. -
National Weather Service: McLeod County, MN - Zone forecast, statewide forecast, current conditions around the area. Statewide weather summary for past 24 hours, including precipitation, temperatures. -
McLeod County Map - Shows major highways, county line, some cities. Interactive. -