LeSueur County Trails Association - Club grooms over 170 miles of snowmobile trails. Web site includes a local trail map and conditions. - http://www.lesueurcountytrails.org/
National Weather Service: Le Sueur County, MN - Zone forecast, statewide forecast, current conditions around the area. Statewide weather summary for past 24 hours, including precipitation, temperatures. - http://weather.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/iwszone?Sites=:mnz076
Le Sueur County Map - Shows county line, major highways, some cities. Interactive. - http://tiger.census.gov/cgi-bin/mapsurfer?infact=2&outfact=2&act=move&on=CITIES&on=counties&on=majroads&on=miscell&on=places&on=interstate&on=statehwy&on=ushwy&tlevel=-&tvar=-&tmeth=i&mlat=44.3511543
Le Sueur County, Minnesota - Official website for Le Sueur County government. Information on county history, demographic information, and directory of county officials. - http://www.co.le-sueur.mn.us/