Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) - The primary vehicle for promoting open trade and practical economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region, which stretches from East Asia and Australasia to the Americas. -
The World Bank Group - South Asia - Provides news and events and in-depth analysis with a regional overview, country briefs, data and statistics, publications, development topics, initiatives, projects and programs. -
The World Bank Group - East Asia & the Pacific - Provides news and events and in-depth analysis with a regional overview, country briefs, data and statistics, publications, development topics, initiatives, projects and programs. -
The World Bank Group - Europe and Central Asia - Provides news and events and in-depth analysis with a regional overview, country briefs, data and statistics, publications, development topics, initiatives, projects and programs. -
2000-2050 GDP Projections - Top 10 Countries [] - The top 10 countries by GDP (Gross Domestic Product) for the years 2000-2050, listed by projected 2050 GDP rank. GDP forecasts are based on 2000 actuals, which are now somewhat dated. -
Tumen River Area Development Programme - United Nations project for regional economic cooperation in Northeast Asia. Includes descriptions of infrastructure and other major projects in the region. -
A Case Study on North Korea, 1997 - A 1997 MBA economics paper by J.Remington on the economic situation in North Korea, with policy recommendations for the North Korean and other governments. -
Agricultural Development in Asia - Articles by Dr. Frithjof Kuhnen about rural development (land reform, rural industrialisation and rural employment) in some Asian countries. -
Asian Law Group Pty Ltd - ALG is a consultancy firm providing technical advice and project management services primarily in legal and judicial reform in South East Asia. -
Asian Financial Markets - Research in English and links to English and Japanese language resources on Asian financial markets, provided by Mizuho Securities. -
Asian Development Bank - A multilateral development finance institution that fights poverty in Asia and the Pacific. -