Hetecon.com - Association for Heterodox Economics - Provides links to associations, journals, schools, and conferences friendly to non-traditional economic analysis. - http://www.open.ac.uk/socialsciences/hetecon/
Midwest Economics Association - Organization of professional economists. Information on annual meeting, Call for Papers, registration forms, and issues. - http://web.grinnell.edu/MEA/
International Association of Agricultural Economists - A worldwide confederation of agricultural economists and others concerned with agricultural economic problems, including problems related to the use of renewable resources and the environment. - http://www.iaae-agecon.org/
European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (E.A.R.I.E.) - Society for academics and practitioners in the field of industrial economics. Member services include an annual conference, Young Economists' Essay Award (to stimulate research) and a subscription to International Journal of Industrial Organization. - http://www.earie.org/
Society for Economic Research on Copyright Issues - Society promoting academic research in economic aspects of intellectual property. Publications, information about the annual congress. - http://www.serci.org/
ESRC Econometric Study Group - Division of the Economic and Social Research Council offers information on seminars, conferences, and journals. - http://les.man.ac.uk/sapcourses/esgc/esgc.html
Centre for Cultural Economics and Management (CCEM) - Concerned with the economics of cultural heritage, the Centre provides articles and project summaries of current research. - http://www.uni-hamburg.de/Wiss/FB/15/Sustainability/ccem.htm
Independent Center for Economic Studies (NOBE) - Polish research center focuses on the European Union, Poland and Central and Eastern countries. Provides economic forecasts, opinions, and data. - http://www.nobe.pl/
Interface Foundation of North America (IFNA) - Statistical and computing society provides information on publications and annual meetings. - http://www.galaxy.gmu.edu/stats/IFNA.html
Society for Economic Dynamics (SED) - Provides membership information, and a calendar of future and past conferences. - http://www.economicdynamics.org/society.htm
East Asian Economic Association - Provides information on membership, the Association's journal, and conference schedule. - http://www.icsead.or.jp/eaea/
Cliometric Society - Economic history organization provides membership and conference information, and discussion of the research of a featured scholar. - http://www.eh.net/Clio/
Western Finance Association - Provides membership and conference information. - http://www.westernfinance.org/
European Financial Management Association - Provides membership and conference information, job openings listings, and research papers in finance. - http://www.efmaefm.org/
Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics - The Society seeks to promote the use of nonlinear methods in economics and finance from both a theoretical and empirical perspective. - http://www-snde.rutgers.edu/SNDE/society/snde.html
Center for Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Finance - Multidisciplinary research institute at the University of Amsterdam provides description of current research and list of staff. - http://www.fee.uva.nl/cendef/
American Agricultural Economics Association - AAEA is the professional association of scientists who use economic tools to analyze issues and solve problems in the area of agriculture, food, rural communities, and natural resources. - http://www.aaea.org/
National Council on Economic Education - A nationwide network that leads in promoting economic literacy with students and their teachers. - http://www.nationalcouncil.org/
SABE - The Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics - http://www.usask.ca/economics/SABE/
Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy - Small interdisciplinary research project at the University of California at Berkeley works on issues of technology and the international economy. - http://brie.berkeley.edu/~briewww/
National Association for Business Economics - An association of professionals who have an interest in business economics and who want to use the latest economic data and trends to enhance their ability to make sound business decisions. - http://www.nabe.com/
Society of Government Economists - A private non-profit professional society includes all those concerned with the applicability of economics to public policy issues. - http://www.sge-econ.org/
American Economic Association - Organized in 1885; a not-for-profit scholarly organization which promotes economic research, especially the historical and statistical study of the actual conditions of industrial life. - http://www.vanderbilt.edu/AEA/