Indian Economic and Social History Review - Journal focuses on the history, economy and society of India and South Asia. -
The Journal of the Japanese and International Economies - research devoted to academic analyses of the Japanese economy and its interdependence on other national economies. Abstract archive. -
Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies - A refereed journal on the Indonesian economy, published three times annually by the Australian National University. Each issue includes a Survey of Recent Developments. -
China Economic Review - Supporting web page for the journal at the University of Nevada. -
Journal of Asian Economics - Provides a platform for publication of Asian economic studies. Offers tables of contents, abstracts and index. -
Japan and the World Economy - Concerned with the study of trade imbalance and friction, technological competition, internationalization of financial markets, exchange rate variation and macroeconomic coordination. Offers tables of contents, abstracts and index. -
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal - Provides a specialized forum for the publication of academic research on capital markets of the Asia-Pacific countries. Offers tables of contents, abstracts and index. -