The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
- NetBSD is a free multi-platform operating system based on 4.4BSD Lite.
NetBSD - Growing article, with links to many related topics. [Wikipedia] -
Jesse's NetBSD Page - Details why he chose NetBSD over other operating systems, and details of his port to the TS-7200 platform. -
NetBSD Mailing List Archives - A complete, browsable and searchable index of all NetBSD related mailing lists. -
Package Views - A paper by Alistair Crooks about a more flexible infrastructure for third-party software. Later implemented in NetBSD's pkgsrc. [EuroBSDCon] -
Benchmark Comparison of NetBSD 2.0 and FreeBSD 5.3 - This paper by Gregory McGarry presents a suite of benchmarks and results for comparing the performance of these operating systems. The benchmarks target core operating system functionality, server scalability and thread implementation. -
Pkgsrc-wip Homepage - Pkgsrc-wip (work in progress) is a project to get more people actively involved with creating packages for pkgsrc, a portable packaging system coming from NetBSD. -
The PEACE Project - PEACE is a set of programs to run Win32 apps on NetBSD/i386. -
Benedikt Meurer's NetBSD page - Why he uses NetBSD, advantages and disadvantages of the OS vs. other OS's, and a number of useful how-to's on NetBSD. -
Interview with Jay Michaelson of Wasabi Systems - Vice President of firm. Main business is embedded market, markets NetBSD as an embedded OS, and sells boxed release. Says how it is better than VXWorks, Linux, QNX, Windows CE. Short article with forum comments. [] -