- Searchable application site with the latest program releases, and software map.
- http://www.kde-apps.org/
The K Desktop Environment
- KDE is a powerful graphical desktop environment for Unix workstations.
- http://www.kde.org/
Topix: KDE - News about KDE, collected from various sources on the web. - http://www.topix.com/rss/tech/kde.xml
KDE Artists - Portal for artists working on the KDE desktop environment for Linux systems. Includes tutorials and details of art software. - http://www.kde-artists.org/
KSourcerer.org - KDE News - Source for the latest KDE news and updates, intermingled with Yahoo-ads. - http://www.ksourcerer.org/
KDE Files - A central exchange platform for all sorts of documents and document templates. The users can colaborate, discuss, vote and share documents. - http://www.kde-files.org/
Freeware Network - Free KDE theme collection. - http://www.fwnetwork.com/kde/index.html
KDE Wiki - Content is added and edited by users of KDE. Provides documentation, tips, application descriptions and tutorials. - http://wiki.kdenews.org/
Planet KDE - KDE blogger aggregator site. - http://planetkde.org/
KDE Community Wiki - A WikiWikiWeb for news and tips around KDE. Provides articles, votes on popular topics, released applications and summaries of news on other KDE-related pages. - http://wiki.kde.org/
KDE Community World Summit 2004 "aKademy" - 2004 KDE World Summit, code-named aKademy, in Ludwigsburg/Germany. It is spanning 9 days with an exciting program. - http://conference2004.kde.org/
IceWM - Window manager with partial KDE compliant (KDE hint support). - http://www.icewm.org/
KDE Download - A list of KDE FTP mirrors that have recently updated from master ftp distribution site. - http://download.kde.org/
KDE Traffic - For KDE development mail lists. Goal: provide timely record of development highlights. To be as thorough as possible, covers 10 different mail lists used to facilitate various aspects of development. - http://www.kerneltraffic.org/kde/
KDE Quality Team - A community of contributors who serve as a gateway between developers and users in the KDE Project. Provides a set of guides how to start developing with KDE and current Tasks of the team. - http://quality.kde.org/
KDE Forum - Provides a place for users and developers to discuss topics around KDE. - http://www.kde-forum.org/
KDE Accessibility Project - Purpose is to make the entirety of the K Desktop Environment and (by necessity) its underlying technologies usable by and as efficient as possible for disabled users of all types. - http://accessibility.kde.org/
KDE Extra Gear - Collection of programs associated with, and part of, the project, but not part of the Distribution for various reasons. Lists projects, links to homepages. - http://extragear.kde.org/
LinuxWiki.org - KDEkonferenz - This WikiWikiWeb is dedicated to plan and organize the KDE conference 2004. - http://linuxwiki.org/KDEkonferenz
KDE-Look.org - EyeCandy for your KDE Desktop. Visual Enhancements for your KDE Desktop: Wallpapers, Icons, Themes. - http://www.kde-look.org/
KDE Usability Testing - Describes various usability testing performed, and some steps that should be taken to improve usability. - http://www.viralata.net/kde_usability/
KFocus - A lightweight time management program. - http://kfocus.sourceforge.net/
KDE Myths - Goal: counterbalance many popular myths about KDE by providing accurate and easily accessible source of relevant information. - http://kdemyths.urbanlizard.com/
KDE Women - Dedicated to project women. - http://women.kde.org/
KDE Bug Tracking System - Bugzilla-driven database of Bug and Wishlist-Entries. Allows to search for existing Bugs and submit new items. - http://bugs.kde.org/
KDE Usability Project - Goals: improve system usability. - http://usability.kde.org/
K Desktop Environment e.V. - Registered non-profit organization representing the KDE Project in legal and financial matters. Information on how to donate, this organization, news. - http://www.kde.org/areas/kde-ev/
The Kompany - Develops products for and contributes to KDE. - http://www.thekompany.com/home/
KDE Representatives - Official project contacts for many countries. - http://www.kde.org/contact/
KDE Events - Dedicated to coordinating events and meetings; information on future events. - http://events.kde.org/
KDE Mailing Lists - All project mailing lists. - http://www.kde.org/mailinglists/
KDE News - Source for up to date project news. - http://dot.kde.org/
KDE Worldwide - News of latest developments in international settings, and case studies of how it is used therein. - http://worldwide.kde.org/
KDE Yugoslavia - Site for users in disintegrating country. Much useful information, help, easy downloads of latest versions. - http://www.kde.org.yu/
KDE Webcity - Service for members who need space for program development sites. Already contains many home sites. - http://devel-home.kde.org/