K3b - CD-Burning with KDE. - http://k3b.plainblack.com/
Kdenlive - A Non Linear Video Editor of KDE. - http://www.uchian.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/kdenlive.html
JuK - An audio jukebox that supports collections of MP3, Ogg Vorbis and FLAC files. - http://ktown.kde.org/~wheeler/juk.html
KreateCD - CD recording software for the K Desktop Environment, uses the cd-tools commandline utilities internally. - http://sourceforge.net/projects/kreatecd/
Kaffeine - A multimedia-player using xine. News, screenshots, downloads, documentation. - http://kaffeine.sourceforge.net/
Kavi2svcd - A graphical user interface that generates an mpeg-file from an avi-file using transcode and mplex, from the mpeg-file it generates an image for a Video-CD using vcdimager and finally it burns the CD with cdrdao. - http://www.cornelinux.de/linux/kavi2svcd/index-english.html
Noatun :: aRts - Modplug - This plugin is able to play the Tracker/Mod music (like, it, xm, mod)through the use of modplug (a Windows Mod with the same name). - http://noatun.derkarl.org/modplug/
K CD Cover Creator - A KDE-Application which creates cd-rom covers for data-cds in LaTeX-Format or as a postscript-file. - http://www.cstolz.de/programs/linux/kccc/index_en.html
krecord - A KDE sound recorder. - http://bytesex.org/krecord.html
KPlayer - MPlayer based media player for KDE - Plays a wide variety of video and audio files and streams. Provides screenshots, changelogs, downloads, install instructions, a todo-list and Online CVS-Access. - http://kplayer.sourceforge.net/
Kxine - A simple KDE interface to the xine library. News, software downloads and a mailing list via sourceforge.net. - http://kxine.sourceforge.net/
Kvdr - Describes how to use your PC as Video Recorder. Kdvr is a GUI for a virtual Video Recorder. Download, requirements, screenshots and the handbook for online-reading. - http://www.s.netic.de/gfiala/
ZZplayer - An MPEG-I video player for the KDE environment. - http://zzplayer.sourceforge.net/
QGEO - Provides Linux users with a tool that can read and display CDs from the National Geographic Interactive collections. - http://qgeo.sourceforge.net/
RaveMPGUI - A GUI to work with the RaveMP MP3 Player under KDE. - http://ravempgui.sourceforge.net/
Krio - A graphical interface to your Diamond Rio. - http://krio.sourceforge.net/index.php
kover - An WYSIWYG CD cover printer with CDDB support, similar to Easy CD Pro 2.0. - http://lisas.de/kover/
Noatun - A media player for WAV, MP3, OggVorbis, MPEG-1, and DivX for KDE 2. Features audio effects, a six-band graphic equalizer, a full plugin architecture, network transparency, and several KDE look and feels. - http://noatun.kde.org/
Korbis - The KDE CD to Ogg Vorbis compression utility. Describes the project, lists todo items and provides links to related projects. - http://korbis.sourceforge.net/
Kmp3burn - A simple to use interface to the perl-script mp3burn written by Ryan Richter. - http://computer.freepage.de/kmp3burn/index.htm
CamStream - A set of programs to make use of your webcam, saving snapshots, create movies and do videoconferencing. The interface is based on Qt. - http://www.smcc.demon.nl/camstream/
KisoCD - A CD-burning-frontend to cdrecord and mkisofs. - http://kisocd.sourceforge.net/page11020202.htm
KDisk-At-Once - Program for editing the CD-Audio table of content (TOC) compatible with the utility "cdrdao" for writing disk at once. You can add and play your tracks from sound files and set text information with an intuitive graphical interface. - http://kdao.sourceforge.net/
KGuitar - An efficient and easy-to-use environment for a guitarist. - http://kguitar.sourceforge.net/
KWav2CD - A front-end for CDRDAO. It produces TOC files and starts CDRDAO. - http://www.fpaetz.de/kwav2cd_eng.html
KCDLabel - Create covers, labels and booklets for your CD cases. - http://kcdlabel.sourceforge.net/
KDVD - A DVD player for KDE. - http://kdvd.sourceforge.net/