KOffice Project
- Integrated office suite for KDE, built with KOM/OpenParts. Provides information about the suite, current version, development efforts, and detailed information various implemented applications.
- http://www.koffice.org/
Release Notes - KOffice 1.6.1 - Provides the official announcement, a changelog and pointers to the binary and source downloads. - http://www.koffice.org/releases/1.6.1-release.php
Kexi - An integrated environment for managing data. It helps in creating database schema, inserting, querying and processing data. Part of KOffice. - http://www.koffice.org/kexi/
Kivio - A flowcharting and diagramming application for the KOffice application suite, and has an userinterface that is simliar to Visio. - http://www.koffice.org/kivio/
Krita - KOffice painting and image editing program. Includes a description, FAQ, news, announcements, and screenshots. - http://www.koffice.org/krita/
Xfig2sml - Project to export the xfig library to make free Kivio stencils available using the tool fig2dev, also shapes for Kivio. - http://sourceforge.net/projects/xfig2sml/
Karbon14 - A vector-based drawing application. Includes information and screenshots. - http://www.koffice.org/karbon/
KOffice 1.2 Release Plan - Outline for version 1.2 release schedule. - http://developer.kde.org/development-versions/koffice-1.2-release-plan.html
Kugar - KOffice business report generator. - http://www.thekompany.com/projects/kugar/
KOffice Filters - Various filters are available in most KOffice programs. Information about these features. - http://www.koffice.org/filters/
KFormula - A formula editor in the KOffice suite, distributed under GPL. - http://www.koffice.org/kformula/
KChart - A chart and diagram drawing program. Includes information, screenshots, and a handbook. - http://www.koffice.org/kchart/
KWord - KOffice word processing and desktop publishing (DTP) suite. - http://www.koffice.org/kword/