Edouard Cortès - Information about the 2001 Cortes exhibition at the Royal Alberta Museum, Canada. - http://www.royalalbertamuseum.ca/gallery/retro/cortes.htm
Catalogue Raisonne - Information on the catalogue raisonne by Nicole Verdier. - http://www.edouardcortes.org
Edouard Cortes - Country Life: Scenes in Normandy and Brittany - Virtual exhibition featuring a group of landscapes and interiors that were painted by Edouard Cortes (1882-1969) in the Normandy and Brittany areas of France. - http://www.rehsgalleries.com/edouard_leon_cortes_virtex.htm
Cortes, Edouard-Leon (1882-1969) - Detailed biography on the French artist Edouard Cortes and a number of high-resolution images of Cortes' work. Featured works include: L'Arc de Triomphe, Place de la Republique and Boulevard de Madeleine. - http://www.edouardleoncortes.com