Adelson Galleries, Inc - Gallery with a special focus in the art of the later 19th century and early 20th century provides biography and catalogue of works by Frank Weston Benson. -
Frank Weston Benson - Provides short biography and features 1915 oil on canvas painting "Red and Gold". -
Frank W. Benson - An authoritative resource on the American Impressionist and master of the sporting print. Includes a biography, research resources, posters, books, and exhibits. -
ARC: Frank W. Benson (1862-1951) - Display of featured artworks and photograph of the artist. -
Salem Tales - Frank Weston Benson - Article on the Salem born artist who was called "the most medaled painter in America". -
Frank W. Benson American Impressionist - Provides gallery and biography. Includes chronological timeline on the artist from 1862 to 1951. -