UUpdates - RSS aggregator providing stories from Unitarian Universalist syndicated web sites. - http://uupdates.net/
Journal of Liberal Religion - An online journal of theological and philosophical thought, from Meadville Lombard Theological School. - http://www.meadville.edu/LL_JournalLR.htm
Universalist Herald - The oldest continuously published liberal religious periodical in North America. Site includes articles on various topics, recommended reading, staff list, and subscription information. - http://www.universalist-herald.net/
UU News Archive - Archive of news of interest to Unitarian Universalists. - http://www.uunews.org/
Journal of Unitarian Universalist History - Information on the UU Historical Society's publication, and also information on the British Unitarian History Society journal, Transactions of the Unitarian Historical Society. - http://www.uua.org/uuhs/OurWork/JournalUUhistory.html